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REPLicant, a Super Simple Svelte REPL - Peter Allen at Svelte Summit 2020
Peter Allen recently gave a talk at Svelte Summit 2020 in which he explained the benefits of REPL (Read-Print-Eval-Loop) playgrounds. While the Svelte REPL is complex due to the handling of many edge cases, the principles underlying code playground implementations are simple. Allen progressively led the viewer into the implementation of the simplest possible version of the Svelte REPL.
Metrics Collection at Scale: Learning from Uber's M3
In a recent InfoQ podcast, Rob Skillington, co-founder and CTO at Chronosphere, shared his experience and opinions on the topic of observability in modern distributed systems. Key topics covered: metrics collection at scale, multi-dimensional metrics and high-cardinality, the importance of the developer experience, and the value of open standards, such as OpenMetrics.
Windows Terminal 1.0 Released with Support for Profiles, Multiple Panes, and Unicode Characters
Microsoft has moved Windows Terminal out of preview and announced the release of version 1.0. Windows Terminal includes multiple tabs, panes, customizable shortcuts, support for Unicode and UTF-8 characters, and custom themes and styles. The terminal can support PowerShell, cmd, WSL, and other command-line tools.
How to Embrace “You Build It, You Run It” with Paul Hammant at QCon London
Paul Hammant talked at QCon London about having developers responsible for the first line of support in production, as the saying goes, “if you build it, you run it.” Hammant recommends following this practice only if there are proper support levels and escalation policies defined. As a result, companies could reduce the chances of burnout or staff quitting.
Improved File Sharing in Docker Desktop for Windows Enhances Developer Experience
Docker has released a new fileshare implementation for Docker Desktop for Windows as part of the edge release. This new fileshare makes use of FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) and allows for more seamless sharing of files between host and container. This includes being able to edit source on the host, save, and see the changes live in the browser on the container.
Pinterest’s Journey to a Kubernetes Platform
Pinterest software engineers have revealed the custom tools and resources they introduced in the company's adoption of Kubernetes.
WebAssembly Source Code Can Now Be Debugged Outside the Browser with GDB and LLDB
Mozilla recently demonstrated debugging of WebAssembly binaries outside the browser, using standard debuggers like GDB and LLDB. Debugging WebAssembly code in the same execution environment that is used in production allows developers to catch and diagnose bugs that may not arise in a native build of the same code.
@Pika/web Frees Modern Web Development from the Complexity of Package Bundling
@pika/web, part of the pika tool chain, aims at improving web application developers' experience by turning often-complex bundling processes into an opt-in feature. With @pika/web, developers can run `npm` packages directly in the browser. Bundlers, like Browserify, Webpack or import maps, may be used but are no longer required.
Debugging Microservices Running in Containers: Tooling Review at KubeCon NA
At KubeCon NA held in Seattle in December 2018, several tools for debugging containerised microservices were presented throughout the conference sessions and the sponsored booths demonstrations. A notable separation appears to be occurring within the market, between "active" and "passive" debugging tools. Two examples within these categories are Rookout and Squash, respectively.
Upbound Release Preview of "Crossplane", a Universal Control Plane API for Cloud Computing
Upbound, the creators of the Rook storage orchestrator for Kubernetes, released Crossplane, an open source multi-cloud control plane that aims to provide a “universal API for cloud computing”. Crossplane exposes workload and resource abstractions on-top of Kubernetes and existing cloud-based managed services with the goal of enabling a high degree of workload portability across cloud providers.
Why Segment Returned to a Monolith from Microservices
Alexandra Noonan, from Segment, describes how they moved their original monolithic architecture to microservices and then found problems with that approach which required them to rethink and move back to a (different) monolithic architecture with far more appreciable benefits.
Shopify’s Journey to Kubernetes and PaaS: Niko Kurtti at QCon NY
At QCon New York, Niko Kurtti presented “Forced Evolution: Shopify’s Journey to Kubernetes”, and described the Shopify engineering team’s journey to building their own PaaS with Kubernetes as the foundation.
Q&A with the Creator of Dockly, a Console-Based UI for Managing Docker Containers
Dockly is an open-source alternative to the Docker CLI, which helps you manage and monitor all your Docker containers from the command line. To get a better understanding of how Dockly improves working with Docker, InfoQ spoke with the developer behind Dockly, Liran Tal, about his experience building Dockly and creating terminal-based applications.
Q&A with Stuart Davidson on Scaling Continuous Delivery at Skyscanner
Stuart Davidson spoke at QConLondon 2018 about Skyscanner's mission to get from a reactive operations model to providing teams with an empowering developer experience. Davidson told the story of how, with support and a lofty-goal from their CTO, they began on a technical and cultural journey to enable their squads to deliver 10 thousand times a day. InfoQ speaks with Davidson to learn more.
Jessica Kerr at QCon London on "Why DevOps is a Special Case of DevEx"
Jessica Kerr, lead engineer at Atomist, presented her perspective on DevEx (Developer Experience) and how it relates to DevOps, at QCon London. She stressed that DevOps led to teams taking on accrued responsibilities (to be able to own and constantly improve their systems). To reduce cognitive load, we need better development tools that push down details on how systems get built and delivered.