InfoQ Homepage Developer Experience Content on InfoQ
Enabling a Collaborative and Welcoming Open Source Community
In this podcast, Shane Hastie spoke to Eric Arellano, Nick Grisafi and Josh Cannon of the Pants open source community about creating and maintaining an inclusive and supportive environment and developer experience.
Making the DevOps Pipeline Transparent and Governable
In this podcast Shane Hastie spoke to David Williams of Quali about DevOps culture, visibility into the pipeline and effective governance.
Mailchimp’s Culture of Production-ready, Momentum, Togetherness, and Pragmatism
In this podcast Shane Hastie spoke to Eric Muntz of Mailchimp about how they attain production-ready, momentum, togetherness, and pragmatism. The value of internal apprenticeship systems, growing teams deliberately and removing friction in the developer experience.
Recruitment, Retention, Finding The Right Job, Onboarding People in a Remote Environment
In this podcast Shane Hastie, first spoke to Chase Kocher of aim4hire about improving the recruitment process, finding the right people and finding the right job as a candidate, then to Kate Wardin, Engineering Manager for Developer Productivity at Netflix, about the challenges and opportunities when onboarding someone new in a remote environment and building developer experience that creates joy
The Challenges of DevOps and the Importance of Developer Experience with Jyoti Bansal
In this podcast, Shane Hastie spoke to Jyoti Bansal about the challenges of DevOps today and the importance of developer experience for effective software development today.