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Clojure in the Large
Stuart Sierra discusses various Clojure features: protocols, records, DI, managing startup/shutdown of components, dynamic binding, interactive development workflow, testing and mocking.
Make It Great: Refactoring That’s Smart and Satisfying
Ann Robson discusses how to develop standards, approach refactoring in a safe and practical way, and track the evolution of a code with tools and metrics.
Full Stack JavaScript
Grant Shipley demos using JavaScript and Node.js to develop an iOS and Android application using MongoDB as backend.
Scala: The Good Parts
Jack Singleton discusses how to improve code readability and maintainability in Scala, and how to be productive with Options, Immutability, and the Collections library.
JavaScript API Design Principles
Ariya Hidayat discusses principles for designing JavaScript APIs by observing the interactions between modules, particularly the influence of an interface on the code patterns.
Coding in Style: How to Wield Scala in the Trenches
Josh Suereth discusses Scala: expressions, abstracting behaviors, FP & OOP, Futures & Promises, libraries with implicit classes and value classes, tracking lexical state with implicit values.
Node.JS: The Good Parts? A Skeptic’s View
Chris Richardson discusses creating Node.JS polyglot applications starting from combining an event-driven programming model with a prototype-based, weakly typed, dynamic language.
Unit Testing JavaScript Applications
Stephen Thomas introduces TDD for JavaScript developers, including useful tools and frameworks.
Introduction to Corona
Justin Sheets introduces Corona SDK, a framework for cross-platform mobile development done in Lua. Targeted especially at game development.
Cross-platform Native Development with Titanium
Stephen Feather introduced Titanium, an open source JavaScript-based platform for creating cross-platform native mobile applications.
Approaches to DOM Traversal
Brian Rinaldi introduces new JavaScript features and libraries that help traversing the DOM without having to rely on jQuery.
Effective Java Reloaded
Matt Stine revisits a subset of techniques and practices from Joshua Bloch’s book “Effective Java.”