InfoQ Homepage DevOps Content on InfoQ
Dave Farley on Continuous Delivery
Dave Farley discusses the reasons for Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment, the advantages and challenges they pose, and much more.
Tim Berglund on Product Owners, Product Development at GitHub
Tim Berglund explains GitHub's approach to product owners and product development and how that can (or can not) translate to other companies.
Ed Cortis on Activity Based Working
Ed Cortis talks about Agile (or whether it is just common sense) in Operations teams as well as sharing his experiences in rolling out an Activity Based Working environment at Bankwest.
Rachel Laycock on Continuous Delivery
Rachel Laycock explains her experience with bringing Continuous Delivery to companies, the main technical and social obstacles, and much more.
Mike Amundsen on API Design, Governance, and Lifecycle Management
Mike Amundsen talks about API management, versioning, and discovery. He compares RESTFul and CRUD-style APIs, discusses the notion of 'affordance,' and introduces hypermedia APIs. He examines documentation modelling frameworks for APIs - like Swagger - and also provides his thoughts on API governance, OAuth 2.0, and web single sign-on.
Fun and Games with Enterprise Software: Tom Banks on What's New in WebSphere Liberty Profile, IBM Code Rally
Tom Banks talks about what's new in the IBM WebSphere Application Server v 8.5.5 Liberty Profile and explores how its extensible architecture allows interesting additions to "gamify" the running of enterprise software. He describes what you can do when enterprise software becomes mobile and introduces IBM Code Rally, a game which is built on top of the Liberty Profile and other IBM software.
Stephen Nelson-Smith on cloud computing being a tradable commodity
Stephen Nelson-Smith, CTO of Strategic Blue, explains why cloud computing has become a commodity and the financial and technical advantages as well as risks of trading cloud providers.
Richard Nicholson talks about the OSGi Alliance and Cloud Computing
Richard Nicholson of Paremus talks to InfoQ about the upcoming R6 Enterprise Spec, what impact it will have on Cloud Computing environments, and how OSGi as a modular technology is well placed for the dynamic distributed computing platforms of the future.
Alex Papadimoulis on Delivering Web Scale Systems
Alex Papadimoulis shares his thoughts on distribution vs delivery, decoupling infrastructure (pull) from application (push) deployments and keeping delivery systems simple, especially for web scale applications. In particular Alex describes three different types of roll-outs: Live, Rolling and Parallel and their applicability (cloud-based delivery vs in-house servers).
Gareth Rushgrove shares his experience at Gov.UK and how to tame cloud computing
Gareth Rushgrove on what's driving UK Government's adoption of cloud computing and the challenges posed by such endeavor. He also shares his view on navigating through multiple cloud provider solutions and their jargon.
Ben Christensen on Resilience at Netflix with Hystrix, Reactive Programming for the JVM with RxJava
Ben Christensen explains how Netflix manages to stay online even with millions of users, the Hystrix fault tolerance library, how Netflix discovered reactive programming and why it ported Rx to Java.
JFrog 's Shlomi Ben-Haim and Baruch Sadogursky On Artifactory and Bintray
Baruch Sadogursky and Shlomi Ben Haim discuss the impotence of Binary repositories for building modular software, JFrog's Artifactory and Bintray products, and their partnership with Black Duck.