InfoQ Homepage Distributed Programming Content on InfoQ
Distributed Platform Development with Groovy
Dan Woods discusses the approach to developing a scalable enterprise architecture, and demonstrates implementations based on the variety of technologies available from the Groovy ecosystem.
Scalable Big Data Stream Processing with Storm and Groovy
Eugene Dvorkin provides an introduction to Storm framework, explains how to build real-time applications on top of Storm with Groovy, how to process data from Twitter in real-time, etc.
Sweet Elixir! A Gentle Introduction to Erlang’s Cute Younger Brother Elixir
Ryan Cromwell introduces Elixir, a , functional distributed meta programming language inspired by Ruby and compiling to Erlang VM, covering pattern matching, pipelines and tail-call recursion.
Real World Akka Recipes
Jamie Allen describes three patterns using Akka actors: handling a lack of guaranteed delivery, distributing tasks to worker actors and implementing distributed workers in an Akka cluster.
Going Reactive: New and Old Ideas for Your 21st Century Architectures
Jonas Bonér, Francesco Cesarini discuss the evolution of distributed concurrent thinking along with the problems it has to solve and the toolchains created along the way.
Pickles & Spores: Improving Distributed Prog. in Scala
Heather Miller presents attempts at better supporting distributed programming in Scala, including a new fast pickling framework, as well as Spores - composable pieces of mobile functional behaviour.
Data & Infrastructure at Airbnb
Brenden Matthews describes the infrastructure built at Airbnb using Mesos in order to support Hadoop and Storm.
Lessons Learned Building Storm
Nathan Marz shares lessons learned building Storm, an open-source, distributed, real-time computation system.
Storm: Distributed and Fault-Tolerant Real-time Computation
Nathan Marz introduces Twitter Storm, outlining its architecture and use cases, and takes a look at future features to be made available.
Clojure + Datomic + Storm = Zolodeck
Amit Rathore describes the architecture of Zolodeck, a virtual relationship manager built on Clojure, Datomic, and Storm.
MapReduce and Its Discontents
Dean Wampler discusses the strengths and weaknesses of MapReduce, and the newer variants for big data processing: Pregel and Storm.
Storm: Distributed and Fault-tolerant Real-time Computation
Nathan Marz discusses Storm concepts –streams, spouts, bolts, topologies-, explaining how to use Storms’ Clojure DSL for real-time stream processing, distributed RPS and continuous computations.