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Using Docker Application Packages to Deliver Apps across Teams
In this article, we will look at how the CNAB packaging format provides application providers and developers with a way of installing a multi-component application into a distributed computing environment, supporting many executable units, and makes it easy to deliver apps across teams, organizations and marketplaces.
Towards Successful Resilient Software Design
In this article, Uwe Friedrichsen explains the “why” and “what” of resilient software design, discusses the challenges he has met most often in recent years, and shares his thoughts on how to implement resilient software design in your organisation.
Modeling Uncertainty with Reactive DDD
Vaughn Vernon has written several books on DDD and reactive messaging patterns, and has found that the nature of distributed systems means you must deal with uncertainty. How to respond to a missing message, or a message that is received twice, should be a business decision, and therefore must be part of the domain model.
How Contract Tests Improve the Quality of Your Distributed Systems
Catching bugs at the end of a development cycle is costly, but how do you incrementally test complex distributed systems? In this article, Marcin Grzejszczak looks at an integration testing approach for communication between components. He reviews contract testing, and Spring Cloud Contract, as one solution.
A Roadmap to the Programmable World
The emergence of millions of remotely programmable devices in our surroundings will pose significant challenges for software developers. This article proposes a roadmap from today’s cloud-centric, data-centric Internet of Things systems to the Programmable World highlights those challenges that haven’t received enough attention yet.
From Alibaba to Apache: RocketMQ’s Past, Present, and Future
Feng Jia and Wang Xiaorui share the core distributed systems principals behind RocketMQ, Alibaba's distributed messaging and data streaming platform now open sourced through the Apache Foundation.
Why and How to Test Logging
Logging and aggregation are crucial tools for today's complex, distributed systems. They provide rich insights which keep time to recover short. We must therefore make sure we test logging adequately.
Peter Cnudde on How Yahoo Uses Hadoop, Deep Learning and Big Data Platform
Yahoo uses Hadoop for different use cases in big data & machine learning areas. They also use deep learning techniques in their products like Flickr. InfoQ spoke with Peter Cnudde on how Yahoo leverages big data platform technologies.
Data Lake-as-a-Service: Big Data Processing and Analytics in the Cloud
Data Lake-as-a-Service solutions provide big data processing in the cloud for faster business outcomes in a very cost effective way. InfoQ spoke with Lovan Chetty and Hannah Smalltree from Cazena team about how Data Lake as a Service works.
Oozie Plugin for Eclipse
Oozie Eclipse plugin is a new tool for editing Apache Oozie workflows graphically inside Eclipse. Usage of this plugin allows to skip hard to develop and maintain process definition in HPDL. Instead a process graph is defined graphically by placing process actions on pallet and connecting them. An article introduces Eclipse Oozie plugin and provides an example of its usage.
Elixir in Action Review and Q&A with the Author
Elixir in action is a new release from Manning that aims to introduce readers to Elixir and the Erlang virtual machine while also discussing concurrent programming topics, fault-tolerance, and topics related to high-availability. InfoQ has interviewed Saša Jurić, the book's author.
Big Data as a Service, an Interview with Google's William Vambenepe
Many of the Big Data technologies in common use originated from Google and have become popular open source platforms, but now Google is bringing an increasing range of big data services to market as part of its Google Cloud Platform. InfoQ caught up with Google's William Vambenepe, who's lead product manager for Big Data services to ask him about the shift towards service based consumption.