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  • Applying Feedback Techniques

    Dan North talked about models and techniques for giving and receiving feedback and how to apply them effectively at the QCon London 2016 conference.

  • New ChatOps Platform with Enterprise Features announced Cog, a ChatOps platform that provides fine-grained access control, UNIX-like pipelining of commands and audit logging features.

  • Nurturing and Growing Agile Teams

    Andy Kelk talked about nurturing and growing agile teams at 1st Conference in Melbourne, Australia. His talk is based on the blog post Culture Gardening.

  • Organisational Learning and the Importance of Real Communication

    InfoQ interviewed Stephen Carver about how bringing in procedures and rules often doesn't help to prevent problems, enabling communication between engineers working in different companies, taking learnings from failure to a next level to prevent similar problems, and what engineers can do if they want to influence decisions on developing and releasing products.

  • CoachRetreats: A Way to Practice Coaching Skills

    A coachRetreat is a "safe to fail" learning platform where participants can try different approaches to coaching. In a coachRetreat participants explore the way that people interact in a given situation and can learn to view a situation from different perspectives to improve their coaching skills. An interview with Oana Juncu, Elad Sofer and Yves Hanoulle.

  • Riley Newman on How Airbnb Uses Data Science

    Riley Newman, head of data science at Airbnb, recently published an article describing how the Californian startup defines and uses data science. He explains that data can be seen as the voice of the customers, and data science as an act of interpretation. He also details several initiatives that have been particularly important for scaling data science.

  • Cellular Technologies Enabling the Internet of Things

    The Internet of Things is about connecting things. When the remotest of the things lie beyond the reach of WIFI networks, cellular technologies can provide a viable communications infrastructure. To this end, 4G Americas, a telecommunications industry trade organization, has published a new white paper titled "Cellular Technologies Enabling the Internet of Things."

  • Leadership Principles for Agile Organizations

    Selena Delesie gave a keynote at the Agile Testing Days 2015 about leadership principles that she sees in successful agile companies. InfoQ interviewed her about how leadership principles from Sir Richard Branson are related to the foundations of agile and asked her which principles are giving companies a competitive edge and how companies can deploy agile to become more competitive.

  • Agile Fluency at the Agile Alliance & Agile Open Northwest Open Space Conference

    At the combined Agile Alliance and Agile Open Northwest Open Space event in Portland Declan Whelan and Diana Larsen led two sessions in which they explored the application of the Agile Fluency model for understanding and addressing technical debt and showed a game based on the model which teams can use to help them identify practices and principles they want to adopt based on their fluency goals

  • Creating an Agile Workplace

    An agile workplace is one that is constantly changing, adjusting and responding to organizational needs. How to create an Agile workplace and what are the benefits.

  • Business Case for Diversity in Organizations

    There is a positive correlation between diversity and financial performance and in an inclusive workplace, employees are more engaged which is crucial for retention and performance says Regina Chien. Having a diversity of thought and life experiences is going to help engineers create the best products.

  • Investigation of Project Management Skills

    An investigation was done to find out which skills are desired by employers for project management positions and what it takes to be successful as a project manager. An interview about skills for managing projects, likability of bosses and leadership skills, why people feel miserable at work and what can be done to prevent it and the need for project managers when organizations migrate to agile.

  • Developments in IT Project Management

    The demand for IT project managers is increasing. Agile methodologies support collaboration with distributed teams for creative problem solving. The Internet of Things, cloud, big data, and cyber security will continue to dominate the IT landscape. Project managers have to pioneer IOT initiatives, be prepared for the influx of data and ensure that deliverables from their projects are secure.

  • Practicing Mindfulness Technique At Work

    Mindfulness is a stress reduction technique which organizations use reduce the stress in employees.

  • Alexey Pikulev Describes Team Trust Constellations Exercise

    Alexey Pikulev, business agility coach at Unusual Concepts describes team trust constellations exercise in his recent blog. This exercise is based on the concept of Systematic Constellations.