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  • Google Software Engineering Culture

    Several Google engineering practices have been largely adopted across the company until today and still contribute to the company's success. In 2017, a staff software engineer published some of these practices, not limited to software development. Today, Google fosters a team culture of creativity, autonomy, and innovation.

  • Inclusive Leadership Supports Collaboration and Diversity In Teams

    Research on Inclusive leadership shows it can provide gains in team performance, including being 29% more likely to show collaborative behaviour. Inclusive leadership showed it was effective at activating the value of diversity in a team. It required leaders to show humility, cultural intelligence and awareness of bias as key attributes.

  • DOES London: Team Topologies and Cognitive Load

    At the DevOps Enterprise Summit in London this year, authors of the soon-to-be-published 'Team Topologies', a book that aims to offer a practical, adaptive model for organisational design, Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais, took to the stage to share their thoughts with the audience.

  • Barriers and Approaches for DevOps Evolution at 1st DevOpsDays Portugal

    Ten years after the first DevOpsDays conference in Ghent, the evolution of DevOps and organizations trying to adopt it was at the forefront of the first DevOpsDays conference in Portugal. On the first day of the conference, a mix of local and international speakers addressed the barriers to DevOps adoption, shift left testing, team patterns, and more.

  • Defining Bounded Contexts — Eric Evans at DDD Europe

    A bounded context is a defined part of software where particular terms and rules apply in a consistent way, Eric Evans explained in his keynote at DDD Europe earlier this year; it should have a refined model and a language with unambiguous definitions. In a recently published presentation, he describes different kinds of bounded contexts, including some that involve microservices.

  • Experience Building a QA Team in a Growing Organization

    Shifting the test team to the left brought the whole team closer together, enabled faster learning, and improved collaboration, claimed Neven Matas, QA team lead at Infinum. He spoke at TestCon Moscow 2019 where he shared the lessons learned from building a QA team in a growing organization.

  • How Design Systems Support Team Communication and Collaboration

    By using design systems, design teams can improve their workflow, reuse their knowledge, and ensure better consistency, said Stefan Ivanov. They allow one to fail faster and to speed up the iteration cycle, enable spending more time collecting user feedback in the early stages of product design, and reach the sweet spot of a product market fit much faster.

  • Why and How Etsy Embraces Differences at the Workplace

    Etsy has deployed various tactics to drive diversity and greater inclusion. They recently included diversity and inclusion in their guiding principles, integrated inclusion at each step of their employees' lifecycle, and developed strategies not just to hire diversity, but to foster a culture of inclusion. They empowered their employee resource groups to lead change based on feedback.

  • Experiences from Working with Distributed Agile Teams

    Not being able to frequently connect with your colleagues face-to-face makes successful communication more difficult in distributed teams, said Shabi Shafei, Scrum Master at ABN AMRO Bank. A Q&A about how distributed teams can transform into great agile teams.

  • Lynne Cazaly on Making Sense Using Hand-Drawn Images

    At the recent Agile on the Beach New Zealand conference, author and graphic facilitator Lynne Cazalay presented a masterclass on sensemaking; some techniques to clarify ideas through graphical images - simple diagrams which can help identify the important elements of any narrative and represent them in a style that makes content meaningful.

  • Tuckman Was Wrong! Doc Norton on Reteaming Models

    At Agile India 2019, Doc Norton shared why the Tuckman team formation model doesn’t work and described new reteaming models that are more applicable to current agile teams. Norton shared reteaming models that foster organizational innovation and learning and identified 4 criteria leading to better teams’ performance: autonomy, connection, excellence and diversity.

  • Building High-Quality Products with Distributed Teams

    To ensure the quality of the products and services, Intermedia uses a common test & pre-production environment for all distributed teams. Lilia Gorbachik, product manager at Intermedia, mentioned at European Women in Tech that having a mature testing process, working with risks, and making daily decisions from a high-quality product perspective are key aspects to build high-quality products.

  • How to Grow Teams That Can Fail without Fear: QCon London Q&A

    Blameless failure starts with building a culture where failure is acknowledged, shared, investigated, remedied, and prevented, said Emma Button, a DevOps and cloud consultant, at QCon London 2019. Visualising the health and state of your system with CI/CD practices can increase trust and ownership and invite people to help out when things fail.

  • Katherine Kirk on Dealing with Teamwork Hell

    Dysfunction in teams can truly feel like being in hell, confined within an endless loop of unhappiness, and there are ways to approach the challenges through actively managing your own response to stressful situations, maintain your own integrity and ethical standards and diligently take small steps rather than trying to address every aspect of the situation at one time.

  • Effective Mob Programming Patterns

    Lisi Hocke spoke at the Testing United conference in Bratislava about how she helped shape a collaborative environment through the use of mob-programming. Hocke described how her team effectively used a strong-pairing style. Maaret Pyhäjärvi and Jeff Langr have both recently written about their own patterns for maximising the benefits of mob programming. We survey their experiences.