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Lynne Cazaly on Embracing “ish” and the Dangers of Perfectionism
In this podcast, recorded at the Agile on the Beach New Zealand conference, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Lynne Cazaly about the dangers of perfectionism and using visual tools to make sense of information and ideas.
Deborah Hartmann Preuss on Creating Joyful Workplaces
In this podcast, recorded at the Agile India 2019 conference, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Deb Preuss about life coaching, creating joyful workplaces, diversity and inclusion.
A. Dobson on Balancing Risk and Psychological Safety, and K. Kirk on Escaping Organisational Hell
In this episode recorded at QCon London 2019, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, first spoke to Andrea Dobson on balancing risk and psychological safety, and then Katherine Kirk on escaping organisational hell.
Jossie Haines and Aneri Shah of Tile on Culture, Mentoring, Diversity and Inclusion
In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Jossie Haines and Aneri Shah of Tile on the culture at Tile, mentoring, diversity & inclusion and retaining women in technology
Phil Abernathy on Employee Happiness and the Bureaucracy Mass Index
Shane Hastie spoke to Phil Abernathy about his work helping organizations focus on employee happiness to drive customer happiness, shareholder return, and the Bureaucracy Mass Index as a tool to identify where companies are bloated and ineffective. He also spoke about what’s needed for real transformation.