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InfoQ Homepage Domain Modeling Content on InfoQ

  • Domain Modelling Using Event Storming

    By gathering all domain experts and developers in a room, provide them with a paper roll, lots of colored post-its and a facilitator they may in hours create the best model ever, Alberto Brandolini suggested at the recent DDD Exchange conference in London.

  • Using the Domain Driven Design Bounded Context Concept to Shrink a Large Domain Model

    Bounded Context concept from Domain Driven Design (DDD) can be used to divide a large model into smaller models using the Database Context (DbContext class) in Entity Framework (EF). Bounded Context creates smaller, more cohesive models with boundaries between models.

  • Greg Young on using Event Store as a Read Model

    Greg Young, the lead architect behind the Event Store, recently talked about the Projections Library in the Event Store and how it can be used as a Read Model. In his presentation Greg explained what the Projections Library is, together with its main use cases. He also presented a number of examples of practical use.

  • OpenXava 4.5 Supports JPA Inheritance Mapping and Automated Business Logic

    The latest version of OpenXava, a Java framework for rapid development of enterprise applications, supports all strategies of JPA inheritance mapping and the Automated Business Logic (ABL) library. OpenXava version 4.5 was released last month.

  • Interview: Eric Evans on the State of DDD

    At QCon San Francisco, 2008, Eric Evans answers questions about his recent activities and the evolution of DDD. During the interview he responds to questions about the relationship of DDD to usability, to FIT and FITnesse type testing, technology tools, and domain-specific languages. He also speaks about the DDD community as a whole.

  • SOA and DDD

    In a recent entry, Phillip Calcado asks the question "What Is A Service?" and then goes on to describe how the answer to this lies with Domain Driven Design and ensuring that all stakeholders in an SOA development share the same understanding.

  • Interview: Greg Young Discusses State Transitions in Domain-Driven Design and DDD Best Practices

    In this interview recorded at QCon San Francisco 2008 conference, Greg Young talked about how his team has been using Domain-Driven Design (DDD) concepts in their projects. He discussed how to manage domain state transitions in a Domain-Driven Design project. He also talked about Command Query Separation (CQS) design concept to keep the design cleaner and easier to test and maintain.

  • Is There a Symbiosis Between SOA and DDD?

    As the complexity of the real-life problems grows, it becomes obvious that in order to solve them, it is often necessary to combine multiple techniques. One example of a good symbiotic relationship is that between Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Domain Driven Design (DDD).

  • Object Relational Mapping - User Case Studies

    Roberto Zicari, from, collected interviews and stories from several users of Object/Relational mapping technologies. The main point of the cases was around "impedance mismatch" between the object technology in the domain model and the relational technology in the data model.

  • Article: Domain Driven Design and Development In Practice

    Domain-Driven Design is a subject where there currently are very few examples of how to actually do it in practice. In this article, Srini Penchikala gives you guidelines, practices, frameworks and tools that technical leads and architects can use in the effort of implementing a system in a Domain-Driven way.

  • Presentation: Intentional Software

    Business users doing programming? Charles Simonyi and Henk Kolk presents how Intentional Software offers a radical new software approach that separates business knowledge from software engineering knowledge, which means that business experts can be more innovative and responsive to the changes in the domain.

  • Presentation: Business Natural Languages Development in Ruby

    In this presentation, Jay Fields introduces his concept of Business Natural Languages (BNL). BNLs are a type of Domain Specific Language, designed to be readable by any subject matter expert, which allows to create maintainable specifications and documentation. The example languages are implemented using Ruby.