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Have You Seen Spring Lately?
David Turanski makes a tour of the latest Spring platform including Spring.IO, Spring Boot, Websocket support, Spring HATEOAS, and others.
The Functional Final Frontier
David Nolen introduces Om, a ClojureScript library that adds a functional layer on top of Facebook React, providing OO abstractions in a MVC environment.
Our Experience with (And Without) PhoneGap Build
Burin Asavesna shares his team’s experience building applications with PhoneGap Build.
Distributed Systems and the End of the API
Chas Emerick discusses some of the common issues appearing in distributed systems and ways to solve them.
The Power of an Agile Mindset
Linda Rising discusses the “agile mindset” - an attitude that equates failure and problems with opportunities for learning –, sharing practical suggestions to become even more agile.
Reactive Streams: Handling Data-Flows the Reactive Way
Roland Kuhn introduces the guiding principles behind Reactive Streams’ design and along with examples using its actor-based implementation in Akka.
How We Built a Cloud Platform Using Netflix OSS
Carl Quinn explains how Riot Games built a cloud platform based on the Netflix OSS stack plus a number of other extensions including Dropwizard, Eureka, Archaius, Asgard, Edda, etc.
ZooKeeper for the Skeptical Architect
Camille Fournier explains what projects ZooKeeper is useful for, the common challenges running it as a service and advice to consider when architecting a system using it.
AngularJS 101
Ken Rimple introduces AngularJS and some of its main features: MVC, expressions, directives, routing.
Distributed Systems in Production
Jeff Hodges discusses tactics and strategy for creating distributed systems today and a little about what the future holds.
Testing Mobile with Appium
Filip Maj introduces UI testing for web, native and hybrid apps on simulators or real devices with Appium, an open source framework built on WebDriver.
Go Reactive: Blueprint for Future Applications
Roland Kuhn introduces the principles of reactive applications, providing guidance on how to create reactive systems.