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Lambda: A Peek Under the Hood
Brian Goetz explains how lambda expressions are implemented using the invokedynamic instruction introduced in Java SE 7.
JavaScript Frameworks Panel: Which Is the Right Framework for Me?
The panelists discuss JavaScript tooling: how to select them, benefits of compiling to JavaScript, differences between MVC solutions, using one framework for both client and server, etc..
Stream Processing: Philosophy, Concepts, and Technologies
Dan Frank discusses stream data processing and introduces NSQ – Bitly’s open source queuing system – and other new technologies used for communication between streaming programs.
Scaling out with Akka Actors
Joshua Suereth designs a scalable distributed search service with Akka and Scala using actors, and covering practical aspects of how to scale out with Akka’s clustering API.
Scala Async: A New Way to Simplify Asynchronous Code (Make the Compiler Do It!)
Philipp Haller explains how to do asynchronous programming in Scala with Scala Async, Futures and Promises.
The Future of the JVM
The panelists discuss the future of the JVM in the context of parallelism and high concurrency of tomorrow’s thousands of cores.
Clojure: Enemy of the State
Alex Miller discusses Clojure’s approach to data, comparing it with OOP’s approach, and covering various related topics such as mutation, state vs. value, primitive and composite data.
Applying Design Thinking and Complexity Theory in Agile Organizations
Jean Tabaka discusses combining Design Thinking and Complexity Theory in order to balance exploration and execution in creating and sustaining Agile adoption in teams, groups, and organizations.
Design, Composition and Performance
Rich Hickey explores the nature of design and composition and how it impacts the software development practice and tools.
The Cable Company Does Continuous [delivery] WHAT?
Joe Campbell and Wally Eggert discuss the tools and approaches used to introduce Continuous Delivery at CIM without having any major disruptions to their existing delivery flow.
A Bright Future Full of Promise: Asynchronous Pipelines in Scala and Java
Heather Miller shows how to perform asynchronous programming in Scala and Java with composable pipelines using the Futures and Promises API.
Notes from HTML5 Boilerplate and the Trenches of Front-End Development
Nicolas Gallagher introduces HTML5 Boilerplate, a front-end template that helps building robust and adaptable web apps or sites.