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InfoQ Homepage Enterprise Content on InfoQ

  • LocationTech: An Initiative Helping Enterprises Build Location Aware Systems

    The Eclipse Foundation has announced LocationTech - a new initiative meant to help enterprises build location aware systems.

  • Enterprises Have Built Few Mobile Apps, Plan on Doing More

    According to a recent Appcelerator survey, enterprise have built few mobile applications so far, but they intend to build more this year considering 2013 as the year when the number of mobile apps created will surpass those for the desktop. The report includes other details on the enterprise mobile space.

  • Minimum Viable Products for Enterprises

    Enterprise software startups use a minimum viable product (MVP) to learn about customers with limited effort and money. How can organizations deploy lean startup principles to develop a viable product for their stakeholders?

  • A Fist Full of RIM, For a Few Mobile Devs More

    All of the ducks are in the proverbial row for the much ballyhooed debut of Research In Motion’s Blackberry 10 (BB10). The all new OS is slated for release on January 30, 2013. InfoQ scrutinizes the salient facts and more to gain the most in-depth perspective on the new release from the venerable developer.

  • Microsoft Is Unifying Their PC, Tablet and Smartphone Operating Systems

    Microsoft has announced a set of new features for the upcoming Windows Phone 8: same code base with Windows 8, multicore support, secure boot, device encryption, remote managing and others. There will be one OS on all devices.

  • Current Trends in Enterprise Mobility

    x[cube] Labs has created an infographic that shows current developments and major trends in enterprise mobility including devices, platforms and application choices.

  • SOPA, PIPA – Should Engineers Care

    On 18th January, wikipedia.or among other estimated 10,000 web sites stopped their service in order to protest against the US legislation planning to endorse SOPA and PIPA. Software engineers might think, that they are not affected by the legislation, especially if they are outside the U.S., but considering Big Data, Cloud Computing and other trends this could be a rather naive perspective.

  • Mozilla Prepares a Separate Firefox Release for the Enterprise

    Mozilla will create a separate Firefox release for enterprises, but it will come with less security and stability fixes. Organizations interested in such a version are invited to participate in alpha and beta testing.

  • Gartner’s Predictions for the Next 5 Years

    Gartner predicts a consumer social network investment bubble burst in 2013, and over half of top Global 1,000 companies will store client’s sensitive data in clouds by 2016.

  • CloudBees Releases Jenkins Enterprise

    CloudBees releases Jenkins Enterprise which offers commercial support, extended long time releases up to a year and extra proprietary plugins useful to companies with large scale Jenkins installations.

  • Apache Geronimo 3 is Java EE 6 Full Profile Certified

    Apache Geronimo 3.0-beta-1 is now fully Java EE 6 Certified. Geronimo joins the rank of GlassFish 3 as an open source server that has passed both Java EE 6.0 Full Profile and Web Profile certification tests. Geronimo 3 has also updated its kernel to use OSGi, based on the Apache Karaf OSGi runtime, and supports the Aries programming model.

  • Enterprises Can Now Create Google+ Accounts

    Google+ is now available to businesses wanting to expand collaboration and data sharing between their users. Hangouts with Extras bring secured audio/video sessions integrated with document and screen sharing.

  • IBM introduces new Platform-as-a-Service Solution

    On 12th October IBM has unveiled in New York what the IT company claims to be the industry’s most advanced cloud services and software designed from the ground up for enterprise clients.

  • Apache TomEE Certified Web Profile Compatible

    Yesterday at JavaOne, the Apache Foundation announced the availability of the Apache TomEE stack, a Java EE 6 Web Profile Compatible Implementation.

  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM As Development Platform

    The Dynamics CRM SDK, which allows Dynamics CRM to be customized using .NET framework, opens the entire object model to developers to build solutions against. It does this using reusable application services and a multi-tenant architecture and allows to build multiple Line-Of-Business xRM applications on a single platform.