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InfoQ Homepage Enterprise Content on InfoQ

  • OpenSocial 2.0 Gets Some Traction in the Enterprise

    OpenSocial 2.0 comes with new features – new container, OAuth 2 support, embedded experiences, activity streams – and it has got some support among enterprises – IBM, Jive, SAP-, as an alternative to Facebook platform.

  • Enterprise Reacts to Browser Release Cycle

    Enterprise organizations were taken by surprise with the recent release of Firefox 5.0 just three months after 4.0, citing security concern and lack of stable Firefox versions for enterprises to work with. At the same time Microsoft has reaffirmed its commitment to enterprises as well as general web consumers.

  • Yet More Trouble with REST APIs?

    George Reese, writing recently on his and Adrian Cole's experiences on using REST and SOAP APIs for developing Cloud applications, caused quite a stir in the community. What started as hints-and-tips has turned into a debate over whether there are real problems and misunderstandings around developing APIs with REST, irrespective of Cloud?

  • SAP announces StreamWork as Solution for Collaborative Decision-Making

    SAP has recently introduced StreamWork as a cloud-based solution for collaborative decision-making. According to the German ERP company its product brings together the people, information, and proven business approaches to drive fast, meaningful results.

  • NEC introduces a new Software Architecture for Unified Communications and Collaboration

    NEC corporation has recently demonstrated its Unified Communications & Collaboration Platform software architecture (UC&C) for Rich Internet Applications and IT Architectures at the Enterprise Connect 2011 exhibition. The virtualized platform utilizes Rich Internet Applications to provide a collaboration solution for companies and their customers.

  • Mule ESB 3.1 Released

    This week, MuleSoft released version 3.1 of its enterprise service bus, Mule ESB. Mule 3.0 was released in September with one major focus: "simplify make Mule 3 more accessible to everyone". This week, Mule 3.1 takes the simplification further by focusing on Mule Cloud Connect, Mule Flow and BPM.

  • Google Goes Deeper into the Enterprise with Chrome and GAE for Business

    Google wants to make inroads in the enterprise space offering a business version of Chrome, including policies, preferences, and configuration capabilities, and upgrading the GAE offering with an SLA, support, billing, hosted SQL, SSL, and SSO.