InfoQ Homepage Erlang Content on InfoQ
Fault Tolerance 101
Joe Armstrong discusses how fault tolerance relates to scalability and concurrency, and how Erlang helps build fault-tolerant systems on multi-core clusters.
Cloud, Distributed, Embedded: Erlang in the Heterogeneous Computing World
Omer Kilic provides an overview of heterogeneous computing discussing how Erlang can help with the orchestration of different processing platforms, introduces Erlang/ALE + updates on Erlang Embedded.
How Requirements from the Old World Make Erlang Fit into the New World
Robert Virding describes how Erlang was developed to solve the concurrency and reliability requirements of telecommunications, dealing with challenges that are similar with those of cloud computing.
Game of Threads - You Spawn or You Die
Torben Hoffmann discusses doing parallel programming with the Intensional Computing Engine (ICE) on top of the Erlang VM.
Deploying the Languages of the Future on Cloud Foundry
Andrew Crump shows how to deploy and scale applications written in a variety of languages (including Clojure and Erlang) to Cloud Foundry.
CQRS with Erlang
Bryan Hunter introduces CQRS and one of its implementations done in Erlang, outlining the areas where Erlang shines.
Refactoring Functional Programs: Past and Future
Simon Thompson shows the particularities of functional programming refactoring through examples in Haskell and Erlang, and discusses what lays ahead for FP refactoring in the next 10 years.
Building a Multi-Master Distributed Redis in Erlang
Chad DePue presents the process of building Edis, a Redis clone written in Erlang, allowing pluggable backends and implementing the Paxos algorithm.
Erlang for Authoritative DNS
Anthony Eden explains why they chose to use Erlang for an authoritative DNS, how Erlang helped along the way and some of the challenges faced.
How Erlang Can Help You Become a Better Clojure Developer
Reid Draper discusses lessons learned from Erlang that can be applied to Clojure (lighting talk).
Systems that Run Forever Self-heal and Scale
Joe Armstrong outlines the architectural principles needed for building scalable fault-tolerant systems built from small isolated parallel components which communicate though well-defined protocols.
Leapfrogging Online Payments & Burying Tech Debt
David Craelius tells the story of Klarna building an online payment system in Erlang and their approach to solving the nightmare of technical debt accumulated during a period of fast expansion.