InfoQ Homepage Erlang Content on InfoQ
Fast Enough
Cliff Moon explains how to make Erlang programs faster by writing performance critical sections of the code in C using NIFs and by integrating libraries using the linked-in driver interface.
A Discussion of Basic vs. Applied Research in the Software Domain and the Creation of Erlang
Bjarne Däcker recounts the story of CSLab at Ericsson, the birthplace or Erlang, how it started, some of the projects leading to Erlang, and its eventual success inside Ericsson as Erlang/OTP.
The Joy of Testing
John Hughes shows how to explore the bugs of a code by creating a series of tests in Erlang and using multiple test frameworks, discovering the faults and evaluating the frameworks while doing it.
Death by Accidental Complexity
Ulf Wiger shows how concurrency can lead to accidental complexity if it is badly implemented in code, becoming a project’s point of failure. Wiger also advises on how concurrency should be addressed.
Message Passing Concurrency in Erlang
Joe Armstrong explains through Erlang examples that message passage concurrency represents the foundation of scalable fault-tolerant systems.
Horizontal Scalability via Transient, Shardable, and Share-Nothing Resources
Adam Wiggins details how memcached, CouchDB, Hadoop, Redis, Varnish, RabbitMQ, Erlang apply the transient, shardable and share-nothing principles to achieve horizontal scalability.
RPC and its Offspring: Convenient, Yet Fundamentally Flawed
Steve Vinoski covers the history of RPC, standardization, distributed objects, CORBA, DCOM, Java, SOAP, WS-*, flaws in RPC, REST vs RPC philosophy, Erlang reliability and concurrency.
Systems that Never Stop (and Erlang)
Joe Armstrong on 6 reliability laws, Isolation, Concurrency, Failure Detection, Fault Identification, Live Code Upgrade, Stable Storage, showing how they are respected in Erlang, plus some examples.
Domain Specific Languages in Erlang
This presentation looks at several features of Erlang that make it particularly useful as a platform for creating DSL's. Those features include: message passing and dynamic code loading.
Multicore Programming in Erlang
Ulf Wiger shows typical Erlang programs, patterns that scale well on multicore and patterns that don't, profiling and debugging parallel applications and ensuring correct behaviour with QuickCheck.
Erlang Concurrency, What’s The Fuss?
Erlang is built on 3 components: language, OTP, and VM. Francesco Cesarini explains the role played by each component in order to ensure Erlang’s highly successful concurrency model.
Functions + Messages + Concurrency = Erlang
This highly technical presentation discusses Erlang and three models of concurrent programming along with challenges posed by concurrency and how Erlang resolves them.