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Chris Richardson on Functional Programming in Scala and Java, Event Sourcing
Chris Richardson explains the appeal of Scala, functional programming in Java and other languages, the basics of Event Sourcing, and his perspective on the state of the Java ecosystem.
Martin Kleppmann on Using Logs for Building Data Infrastructure, CAP, CRDTs
Martin Kleppmann explains how logs are used to implement systems (DBs, replication, consensus systems, etc), integrating DBs and log-based systems, the relevance of CAP and CRDTs, and much more.
Barbara Fusinska on Building Offline Mobile Applications
Barbara Fusinska explains the challenges of building offline mobile applications: synchronisation, API design, data modeling, and much more.
Chris Richardson Discusses CQRS and Event Sourcing via Docker
Chris discusses the rise of CQRS and Event Sourcing as a solution for all domains. With the advent of Docker, applications that manage complex domains can be built tested and deployed in minutes. Chris talks about the reasons for choosing a CQRS and Event Sourced solution as well as how the addition of Docker can help an organization embrace Continuous Delivery by using existing tools.
Allard Buijze on CQRS, Event Sourcing and the Axon Framework
Allard Buijze, creator of Axon, an open source Java framework that supports CRQS architectures, talks about CQRS, Event Sourcing and their relationship. He talks about how to solve some practical issues when applying this kind of architecture. Allard ends by sharing his experiences on building Axon as an open source project and what's in store for future versions of the framework.
Francesco Cesarini and Viktor Klang on the Reactive Manifesto
Francesco Cesarini and Viktor Klang explain the motivation behind the Reactive Manifesto and what exactly it brings to the table. Also: what Erlang and Scala/Akka can learn from each other.
Darach Ennis on CEP, Stream Processing, Messaging, OOP vs Functional Architecture
Darach Ennis explains the lessons learned from the Complex Event Processing community, reactive programming, the challenges of messaging on mobile platforms, OOP vs Functional and much more.
The Larger Purpose of Big Data with Pavlo Baron
Big Data means more than just the size of a dataset. Pavlo Baron explains different ways of applying Big Data concepts in various situations: from analytics, to delivering content, to medical applications. His larger vision for Big Data ranges from specialized Data Scientists, to learning Decision Support Systems, to helping mankind itself.
Stuart Williams on Vert.x
Stuart Williams explains vert.x: basic idea and architecture, how it uses Java's NIO and async APIs, how it allows using various JVM languages (Groovy, JRuby, Scala, etc), the EventBus and much more.
Jonas Bonér on Akka, Actors and Shared State, STM, Typesafe
Jonas Bonér explains the Akka project and the types of actors it offers as well as its transactional features. Also: a preview of how Akka 2.0 changes the management of (remote) actors.
Bart De Smet on Reactive Extensions (Rx) for .NET and Javascript
Bart De Smet explains Reactive Extensions (Rx), a library for composing computations over asynchronous event streams of data for .NET and Javascript, the concepts and implementation of Rx and more.
Randy Shoup on Evolvable Systems
Randy Shoup discusses evolvable systems: how to run different versions of a system in parallel during migrations, decoupling a system with events, schemas at eBay and much more.