InfoQ Homepage F# Content on InfoQ
F# and Mono, Best Friends Forever
Richard Minerich shows how to use F# in Mono with MonoDevelop, detailing some of the features that make it attractive to programmers.
F#: History, Today, Tomorrow
Don Syme discusses the history of F#, how it came about, the current status of the language, especially its simple model supporting parallel and asynchronous programming, and a preview of F# 3.0.
Functional Approaches To Parallelism and Concurrency
Don Syme on functional languages features, showing why and when they are useful for parallel programming: simplicity, composability, immutability, lightweight reaction, translations, data parallelism.
Demystifying Monads
Josh Graham explains what monads are, how and why they are used, including several concrete examples of monads like Identity, Maybe, List, and Continuation.
The State of the Art on .NET
Amanda Laucher and Josh Graham present some of the most important elements of the .NET ecosystem: F#, M, Boo, NUnit, RhinoMocks, Moq, NHibernate, Castle, Windsor, NVelocity, Guerilla WCF, Azure, MEF.
Pragmatic F# in Action
Amanda Laucher and Josh Graham introduce the audience to F# basics showing some of its main features, emphasizing what makes it better than imperative languages, and also showing F# code samples.
F# - Succinct, Expressive, Efficient Functional Programming for .NET
Don Syme presents F# basics, a typed functional language for .NET that combines the succinctness, expressivity, and compositionality of functional programming with the runtime support of .NET.
Concurrent Programming with Microsoft F#
Amanda Laucher presents a real life enterprise application written in F#. She shows actual code snippets, explaining design decisions and suggesting how to use some of the F# constructs.