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Google Cloud Platform Gets Integrated Log Management
Google has added a service that makes it easy to ingest, view, search and analyze logs generated by Compute Engine and App Engine.
Google Announces General Availability of Local SSD on Compute Engine
Announced at Google I/O in June 2014, Local SSD moved from beta into general availability mode.
Canonical Launches “Snappy” Ubuntu Core on Multiple Public Cloud Providers
Canonical has released the beta version of “snappy” Ubuntu Core, a lightweight and cloud-optimised version of Ubuntu Linux, on Microsoft Azure, Google Compute Engine and Amazon Web Services.
Google Cloud Platform Gets PCI DSS Certification
Just in time for holiday shopping, Google is getting its cloud platform ready to host eCommerce workloads.
Google Compute Engine Autoscaler Service is Broadly Available
Google Compute Engine (GCE), the IaaS component of Google Cloud Platform got an Autoscaler feature. Currently in beta, Autoscaler adds elasticity to cloud deployments.
MongoDB makes Further Inroads into the Cloud
MongoDB announced services with enterprise capabilities for Microsoft Azure and Google Compute Engine platforms at the MongoDB world conference.
DockerCon 2014 Highlights
After the launch of Docker 1.0 there was more to come. The conference t-shirts said ‘Containers everywhere!’, with plenty of evidence of that from the large Bay area service providers. There were also some additional launches - libswarm ‘a minimalist toolkit to compose network services’, libchan ‘an ultra-lightweight networking library’, and more partners getting involved with libcontainer.
Google Improves Hadoop Performance with New Cloud Storage Connector
With a new connector, it is now possible for Hadoop to run directly against Google Cloud Storage instead of using the default, distributed file system. This results in lower storage costs, fewer data replication activities, and a simpler overall process.
Hadoop-as-a-Service Provider Qubole Now Runs on Google Compute Engine
Qubole, a managed Hadoop-as-a-Service offering is now available on Google Compute Engine (GCE). Qubole was so far only available on Amazon's AWS and this announcement follows only a few days after Google releasing GCE into general availability.
General availability of Google Compute Engine
The Google Compute Engine (GCE) infrastructure as a service (IaaS) is now in general availability. The launch also brings price cuts, a new storage model, expanded operating system support and live migration capabilities for transparent maintenance.
Google Unleashes Their Public IaaS Cloud, Adds NoSQL Database
Google has opened the doors to its hotly anticipated Google Compute Engine and is now firmly engaged in the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) battle with the likes of Amazon and Microsoft. This week’s Google I/O conference also introduced a new fully managed NoSQL database and the addition of PHP to the Google App Engine Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).
Google’s New IaaS Offering Runs Linux VMs in the Cloud
Google today disclosed details of Compute Engine, an IaaS offering that runs Linux VMs on demand utilizing Google’s cloud infrastructure. Google Compute Engine (GCE) supports 1, 2, 4 and 8 virtual core VMs with 3.75GB RAM per virtual core