InfoQ Homepage Global Big Data Conference 2016 Content on InfoQ
Bringing Machine Learning to Every Corner of Your Business
Danny Lange presents Uber’s Machine Learning service that can perform functions such as ETA, fraud detection, churn prediction, forecasting demand, and much more.
Pyh3: Scalable and High Performance Graph Visualization in 3D Hyperbolic Space
Songxiao Zhang introduces Pyh3, a graph visualization library showing tree nodes in a 3D hyperbolic space.
Using NLP to Categorize and Find Similar Web Pages
Thomas Levi shows how to categorize web pages by building a system that exploits techniques in natural language processing and topic modeling.
Hydrator: Open Source, Code-Free Data Pipelines
Jonathan Gray introduces Hydrator, an open source framework and user interface for creating data lakes for building and managing data pipelines on Spark, MapReduce, Spark Streaming and Tigon.
Developing a Machine Learning Based Predictive Analytics Engine for Big Data Analytics
Ali Jalali presents how to develop a machine learning predictive analytics engine for big data analytics.