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  • Pinterest Shuts down One of the World's Largest HBase Deployments

    The engineering team at Pinterest recently deprecated their HBase clusters due to high maintenance and infrastructure costs, a lack of Hbase experts, and limited product functionalities. Following Pinterest’s move to TiDB and other database technologies, the community questions whether this is another sign of the decline of the non-relational database that runs on top of Hadoop and HDFS.

  • Q&A with Microsoft's Arindam Chatterjee Discussing Azure HDInsight 4.0

    InfoQ caught up with Arindam Chatterjee, principal group manager at Microsoft, regarding the announcements about HDInsight at Microsoft Ignite.

  • Google Offers Bigtable in the Cloud

    Google is making available to customers Cloud Bigtable, their own database used for more than a decade for services such as Search, GMail, Maps or YouTube. While they are not open sourcing Bigtable as they did with other products, the new cloud service is accessible through an open source interface, the Apache HBase 1.0.1 API.

  • Apache HBase Hits 1.0

    After three developer previews, six release candidates and over 1500 closed tickets the Apache foundation has announced version 1.0 of Apache HBase, a NoSQL database in the Hadoop ecosystem. After more than 7 years of active development, the team behind HBase felt that the project had matured and stabilized enough to warrant a 1.0 version.

  • Facebook Announces Apollo, a New NoSQL Database for On-line Low Latency Storage

    Speaking at QCon New York on Wednesday Jeff Johnson, from the core data group at Facebook, announced Apollo, Facebook’s Paxos-like NoSQL database. Written in C++11 on top of the Apache Thrift 2 RPC framework, Apollo is a hierarchical storage system where all the data is split into shards, very much analogous to region servers in HBase.

  • HBase 0.98 Introduces Cell-based Security

    Apache released HBase 0.98 primarily addressing convergence with Apache Accumulo via cell-based security while resolving over 230 JIRA issues. These new security features are modeled after Accumulo.

  • Phoenix: Running SQL Queries on Apache HBase [Updated] has open sourced Phoenix, a Java layer enabling developers to run SQL queries on Apache HBase. Update: An interview on Phoenix with James Taylor, Lead Developer at, has been appended.

  • Apache HBase on Amazon EMR

    The release of Apache HBase on Amazon EMR both increases the reach of EMR by adding to it a significant new piece of technology and makes it easier to use HBase by automating many set up and maintenance activities.

  • Apache Hadoop 1.0.0 Supports Kerberos Authentication, Apache HBase and RESTful API to HDFS

    After six years of gestation, Big data framework Apache Hadoop 1.0.0 was recently released. Core features in the release include Kerberos Authentication, support for Apache HBase and RESTful API to HDFS. InfoQ spoke with Arun Murthy, VP of Apache Hadoop, about the new release.

  • eBay readies next generation search built with Hadoop and HBase

    eBay presented a keynote at Hadoop World, describing the architecture of its completely rebuilt search engine, Cassini, slated to go live in 2012. It indexes all the content and user metadata to produce better rankings and refreshes indexes hourly. It is built using Hadoop for hourly index updates and HBase to provide random access to item information.

  • Yahoo Hadoop Spinout Hortonworks Announces Plans

    Yahoo spun-out its core Hadoop team, forming a new company Hortonworks. CEO Eric Baldeschwieler presented their vision of easing adoption of Hadoop and making core engineering improvements for availability, performance, and manageability. Hortonworks will sell support, training, and certification, primarily indirects through partners.

  • Facebook on Hadoop, Hive, HBase, and A/B Testing

    The Hadoop Summit of 2010 included presentations from a number of large scale users of Hadoop and related technologies. Notably, Facebook presented a keynote and details information about their use of Hive for analytics. Mike Schroepfer, Facebook's VP of Engineering delivered a keynote describing the scale of their data processing with Hadoop.