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Chrome 39 Brings Beacon API and ES6 Generators
Google's Chrome team has released the stable version of Chrome 39: with updates including the Web Application Manifest specification, Beacon API, and support for ES6 generators.
Origami: Component-Based Web Applications
Andrew Betts, director at FT Labs, presented to Velocity Europe 2014 attendants a set of home-grown standards and tools for web development. They aim to cope with the development challenges of creating and maintaining more than eight hundred * sites. FT Labs main strategy is to breakdown web pages into components built within a well-defined set of rules.
Android and iOS Go HTML5 Friendly With Their Latest Releases
The two popular mobile operating systems, Android and iOS, may be about to give a boost to the HTML5 development with their latest releases. While Google is removing WebView from Android's core, making it an updatable component, Apple replaced the traditional UIWebView with WKWebView, which has advantages in the performance, stability and functionality of hybrid applications.
Adobe Declares Brackets is Ready with 1.0 Release
Adobe has released Brackets 1.0, its open source code editor for web designers and front-end developers. Web developer evangelist Ryan Stewart says in the past three years the team has been very busy adding features to help make Brackets a world class text-editor. Declaring this release as 1.0 is our way of telling the world that Brackets is ready.
WHATWG Is Standardizing Web Streams
After gestating for more than a year on GitHub, the project Streams has now been adopted by WHATWG in an effort to standardize a web streaming API. The project is led by Domenic Denicola, the man that started the work on Promises, currently part of the upcoming ECMAScript 6.
XHP-Bootstrap Project Announced, Combines XHP with Bootstrap Framework
Fred Emmott, software engineer for Facebook, has announced the release of XHP-Bootstrap project, combining XHP with the Bootstrap framework. Emmott describes XHP as a way to create HTML user interfaces from PHP or Hack, and provides an XML-like syntax for creating stringable objects representing markup.
WebStorm 9 Supports Meteor, React and Polymer
WebStorm 9, JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA-based IDE, comes with a number of new features and enhancements, including support for Meteor, React, Polymer, PhoneGap, Ionic, and others.
W3C's Latest HTML5 Standard Ignores WHATWG
W3C published a new version of the HTML5 Differences from HTML4 working draft. The latest version describes the differences of W3C HTML5 and HTML4, and a comparison between WHATWG HTML and HTML4 is no longer covered.
Chrome 38 Supports Art Direction through the picture Element
Google has added support for the <picture> element in the recently released Chrome 38, enabling developers to specify multiple image sources based on various media queries.
SweetAlert Provides Alternate Way to Alert Users
SweetAlert is a new modal dialog box library for JavaScript with a focus on style but without any external dependencies. The developer behind it, Tristan Edwards, created it as a way to ease the pain web designers experience when dealing with error messages.
Stack Overflow Adds Live JavaScript to Answers
Developers have a new browser-based code editor to play with, but this time, it's embedded in another tool. Stack Overflow, the popular question and answer site for software developers, announced the release of a new tool that lets users run JavaScript, HTML, and CSS code right in the question page.
AngularJS 1.3 Improves HTML Forms
The upcoming AngularJS 1.3 release arrives with a heavy focus on improved form data manipulation. While this version solves some real-life pain points, for some developers, it may not be an automatic upgrade.
Microsoft WinJS 3.0 Now Supports Multiple Platforms
Microsoft has enhanced WinJS by adding support for multiple platforms and several major browsers, has modularized it and made it work with other JavaScript libraries.
Debugging Apps in Chrome and Safari with Firefox
Mozilla has implemented the protocol adapters that enable remote debugging in Chrome for desktop or Android and Safari/iOS. They are to be integrated into WebIDE.
Standard Markdown Becomes Common Markdown then CommonMark
A group of representatives from Stack Exchange, GitHub, Reddit, and others have started to standardize and enhance Markdown under the name Standard Markdown. Their efforts have met the opposition of John Gruber, the syntax’s creator, who does not want to see Markdown used in other projects, so the project was eventually renamed CommonMark.