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CSS3 and Sass
Mark Volkmann introduces CSS3 and Sass, a tool extending CSS with variables, selector nesting, mixins and selector inheritance, the resulting code being converted to regular CSS before deploying.
Mobile HTML5
Maximiliano Firtman discusses HTML5, the features it introduces, how it can be used for cross-platform mobile development, compatibility issues, creating apps for a store, taking a look at the future.
Building Offline Access to Websites Using HTML5
Israel Hilerio presents how to cache data locally with HTML5 technologies: IndexedDB, App Cache, DOM Storage and File API.
The Once And Future Script Loader
Kyle Simpson reviews the script loading history and discusses current script loading techniques and the browser and HTML support for them.
Building Mobile HTML5 Apps in Hours, Not Days
Aditya Bansod explains the benefits of creating mobile applications with HTML5, demoing creating such an application with Sencha Designer 2.
Getting Truth Out of the DOM
Yehuda Katz discusses techniques for keeping data out of the DOM based on the idea that retrieving such data from the DOM involves a performance penalty and may affect data integrity.
Mobile HTML5
Scott Davis explains how to prepare a website for mobile devices from small tweaks –smaller screen sizes, portrait/landscape- to using HTML5’s local storage, application cache, and remote data.
Mobile Web Development with HTML5
Roy Clarkson and Josh Long discuss the mobile browsers, the hardware constraints, the existing simulators, emulators and JavaScript frameworks, and the HTML5 support for doing mobile development.
High Performance HTML5
Steve Souders discusses the impact of website speed on users providing advice on creating high performance HTML5 applications.
The Mobile Browser as a Platform
Maximiliano Firtman offers tips for creating applications for mobile browsers, showing how HTML5 can help, and explaining the need for web performance optimization for mobile devices.
Angry Birds on HTML5
Joel Webber explains what it took for Google to port Angry Birds to Chrome/HTML5, the challenges and technical solutions used.