InfoQ Homepage Healthcare Content on InfoQ
Fighting Fit: Why You Need Health, Nutrition, and Fitness to Be a Successful Technologist
Hugh Williams shares his experiences of why health, nutrition, and exercise are essential to being a successful engineer and leader.
Open Source and Haiti: A Story of Care
Mário Areias presents the challenges in delivering care in Haiti, dealing with legacy code and infrastructure limitations.
Developer Body Issues
Jim Christopher discusses the health problems developers may encounter during their long work hours sitting at a desk.
Machine Learning and IoT
Ajit Jaokar discusses data science and IoT: sensor data, real-time processing, cognitive computing, integration of IoT analytics with hardware, IoT’s impact on healthcare, automotive, wearables, etc.
So You Think You Know Pub/Sub?
Udi Dahan takes a look at why different kinds of pub/sub need to be used for specific domains like healthcare, finance, “internet of things”, and some kinds of retail.
CareEvolution: Building a Company through Ambiguity, Judgment, Trust, and WorkLife Fusion
Vik Kheterpal discusses how to focus on individuals and how teams are formed for a common goal.
Leading a Healthcare Company to the Big Data Promised Land: A Case Study of Hadoop in Healthcare
Mohammad Quraishi presents implementing a Big Data initiative, detailing preparation, goal evaluation, convincing executives, and post implementation evaluation.
Mens Sana in Corpore Sano (A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body)
Phil Nash presents how NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), its relationship with to sitting, standing and walking, and the chemistry behind it helps being fit for long schedules.
Finance's Forgotten Treasure: an Introduction to CQRS & Axon
Allard Buijze introduces CQRS and related concepts along with case studies showing how it is used in finance, gaming and healthcare to meet the demands of modern web-based applications.
How Lean Thinking Helps Hospitals
Mark Graban overviews the Lean methodology applied in healthcare using examples and lessons learned from leading hospitals around the world.