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InfoQ Homepage Hiring Content on InfoQ

  • Agile Hiring: a Joint Venture between the Talent Acquisition and Product Development Teams

    The demand for IT professionals is far higher than the offer. Nowadays the challenge is not just to attract and acquire, but to retain the best professionals in the sector. Let's enable dev team members to acquire and secure the best candidates for their teams and the company, collaborate with talent acquisition, and respect candidates as professionals and maintain open communication with them.

  • Using DevOps Automation to Combat DevOps Workforce Shortages

    A focus on automation can help to combat the current staffing struggles many organizations have with DevOps roles. Effective automation can reduce the toil experienced by developers. Automation efforts should focus on security operations, deployments, continuous delivery, QA testing, and continuous integration.

  • Best Practices for Letting Go of a Remote Team Member

    At Doist, letting go of a team member is a last resort. Over 14 years, the remote-first pioneer has parted ways with approximately 25 team members, which has evolved the way they handle remote terminations. Today, Doist employs 100 people in 35+ countries with a 90+% employee retention rate. Here COO Allan Christensen offers his lessons learned on letting go of a remote team member.

  • Q&A on the Book Becoming an Effective Software Engineering Manager

    The book Becoming an Effective Software Engineering Manager by James Stanier explores how to manage engineers and what managers can do to build and run effective teams. It helps people decide if they want to go from an engineering to a manager role and organize and improve their management activities.

  • Hiring and Retaining Developers - Creating Great Teams

    Hiring developers is one of the biggest challenges the tech industry is facing. This post shows the latest hiring trends and provides some actionable tips to overcome these challenges by covering the most effective hiring methods and how to effectively retain developers. The post also shows how top performing teams motivate developers.

  • How to Slow Down to Go Faster Than Ever in Software Development

    Going fast without control could be the biggest enemy of software development. By slowing down on people, we improve professionalism and craftsmanship. By slowing down on process, we improve adaptation and efficiency. And by slowing down on product, we improve automation and quality. When we focus on these areas, we start to cultivate a development culture enabling software development fast.

  • Q&A on the Book "The Stupidity Paradox"

    In "The Stupidity Paradox", Andre Spicer and Mats Alvesson explore how knowledge intensive organizations employ smart people and encourage them to do stupid things. Functional stupidity can be catastrophic, however a dose of stupidity can be useful. The book advises how to counter stupidity or reduce the consequences, how to exploit it, and how to benefit from it.

  • Culture May Eat Agile for Breakfast

    Making culture your priority during the scaling phase of your organization is a sound business decision. You have to invest by hiring for mindset and educating everyone joining the organization in agile principles to prevent turning an existing agile culture into a traditional one.

  • Q&A on the Book Agile Engagement

    In the book Agile Engagement, Santiago Jaramillo and Todd Richardson explore the reasons why employees can be disengaged and provide solutions for measuring and driving engagement in organizations. InfoQ interviewed them about the factors that influence the performance of teams and how to measure agile engagement to create an engaging workplace culture.

  • Q&A on the Book Scaling Teams

    The book Scaling Teams by Alexander Grosse and David Loftesness provides strategies and practices for managing teams in fast growing organizations. It explores five areas which often pose challenges when organizations need to scale -- hiring, people management, organization, culture and communication -- and gives solutions for recognizing and dealing with those challenges.

  • Communities of Practice: The Missing Piece of Your Agile Organisation

    Communities of practice bring together people who share areas of interest or concerns. They have specific applications in agile organisations: scaling agile development and allowing individuals to connect with others who share similar concerns. Communities of practice bring people together to regain the benefits of regular contact while keeping the value of multidisciplinary agile teams.

  • Total Talent Management: A Systems Approach to Agility

    With increasing corporate reliance on contract and temporary workers come more challenges for HR departments. Core HRM responsibilities like training/development, compensation/benefits, and mobility normally apply solely to standard company employees. Total talent management aim to do HRM for the total workforce, including temporary workers, contractors and consultants.