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IBM to Open Source 50 Projects
IBM has announced a new web portal called developerWorks Open, bringing together various projects they are open sourcing. The projects cover many domains including Analytics, Cloud, IoT, Mobile, Security, Social, Watson and others. So far, IBM has open sourced about 30 projects, and they plan to increase the number up to 50 by the end of the year, and others may come in the future.
Surviving Success
Teams rarely consider success as a mode of failure, but not preparing for exceeding their goals can be just as dangerous as ignoring basic software and infrastructure needs. Mark Simms and Mark Souza discuss anti-patterns they've seen and some of the best ways to architect to win in spite of your own success.
IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.0 now Supports Cloudant, REST, oAuth
Version 7 of IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation introduces many new features and enhancements to “enable enterprises to accelerate the delivery of their mobile strategy” by making development more efficient, supporting continuous delivery, and improving user experience, says IBM.
Paho, Mosquitto and Security of MQTT
Ian Craggs presented about Paho, Mosquitto and MQTT/MQTT-SN at EclipseCon. InfoQ caught up with him and asked him what's happening in the MQTT space.
Gartner and Software Advice examine Agile Lifecycle Management Tools
In February 2015 both Gartner and Software Advice released research and analysis into agile lifecycle management/project management tools. The Gartner Magic Quadrant identifies that the big players have a competitive advantage and the Software Advice study found which aspects of the tools projects managers find most useful.
Industry Heavy Hitters Establish Node.js Foundation with Joyent
Heavy hitters IBM, Paypal, Microsoft and The Linux Foundation have joined with Node.js stewards Joyent to set up the Node.js Foundation. The announcement follows the first significant Node.js release since 2013, and the 1.0 release of io.js, the Node.js fork.
Azure Toolkit for Eclipse Added Support for WebSphere Liberty and Application Insights
The Java development team at Microsoft Open Tech has released the latest version of Azure Toolkit for Eclipse that includes support for IBM WebSphere Liberty and Microsoft Application Insights. Available on Github, Azure Toolkit for Eclipse with Java is a plugin for developing, testing and deploying Java projects on Microsoft Azure.
Bluemix Launches Docker-based IBM Containers Service Beta
IBM's new IBM Containers service lets developers launch Docker containers directly onto the IBM Cloud with Docker-native features and standardised interfaces, including the new Docker orchestration services.
IBM, Databricks, GraphLab Present Notebooks as Unified Interfaces for Building Prediction Apps
At the StrataHadoop conference in Barcelona last week, Rod Smith, Vice President of the IBM Emerging Internet Technologies organization, presented work on an internal product they have been developing in their consulting work with clients that integrates data sources, and data analysis.
IBM Announced Bare Metal PaaS and Private API Catalog
IBM is offering a Cloud Foundry based PaaS called Bluemix on SoftLayer's bare metal infrastructure. The service is integrated with other products including MQ Series, IBM Watson and Cloudant NoSQL.
Microsoft Launching Azure Machine Learning as a Service
Microsoft recently announced Azure ML, a machine learning cloud based platform that helps predict future events based on past performance. Microsoft has been using machine learning for years for Bing, Xbox and other products but this is the first time that internal technologies are consumerized and deployed as cloud services. Ersatz Labs is also trying to build a PaaS for Machine Learning.
IBM: 70% of Enterprises Are Using Big Data, Cloud, Mobile and Social
With Raising the game - The IBM Business Tech Trends Study (PDF) IBM has evaluated the current adoption landscape of 4 key technologies in the enterprise: Big Data & Analytics, Cloud, Mobile and Social, comparing today’s adoption with 2012’s and Pacesetters against Dabblers.
DockerCon 2014 Highlights
After the launch of Docker 1.0 there was more to come. The conference t-shirts said ‘Containers everywhere!’, with plenty of evidence of that from the large Bay area service providers. There were also some additional launches - libswarm ‘a minimalist toolkit to compose network services’, libchan ‘an ultra-lightweight networking library’, and more partners getting involved with libcontainer.
Tesora DBaaS Platform Becomes First Trove-Based OpenStack Distribution to Support MongoDB
Tesora, previously known as Parelastic is developing a DBaaS for OpenStack. Tesora has partnered with the OpenStack Trove community and its DBaaS solution has had support from day zero for MySQL. Now it has added support for MongoDB offering SQL and NoSQL databases to be deployed side by side..
IBM's Nick O'Leary Demos Node-RED for the Internet of Things
Nick O'Leary presented Node-RED, an open-source project focused on the Internet of Things (IoT), at the last QCon London. The project, created by IBM's Emerging Technology team, provides a browser-based environment for visually "wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services in new and interesting ways".