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Improving Developer Productivity with Visual Studio Intellisense
Allison Buchholtz-Au and Shengyu Fu discuss how PM, engineering, and data science came together to build Visual Studio IntelliCode, which delivers context-aware code completion suggestions.
Modern Day C# Development in Visual Studio 2017
Kevin Pilch discusses improvements in VS 2017: performance improvements in startup and solution load, editing, code style, quick fixes, refactorings, unit testing, debugging, deployment, and more.
Using Webpack to Streamline Modern Web Application Packaging and Deployment
Kevin Grossnicklaus discusses how to get started with WebPack, how to configure Visual Studio for it and some of the best practices for utilizing it with Angular2 or React.
40 Tips & Tricks for Spring in IntelliJ IDEA
Stephane Nicoll and Yann Cebron talk about how to navigate, edit and perform refactorings across a variety of common Spring technologies.
Integrating Different IDEs with a Common Set of Developer Services
David Staheli discusses approaches Microsoft is taking to plugin development, sharing experiences in reusing code across plugins for different IDEs, with demos of plugins in Eclipse, IntelliJ, and VS.
Spring Boot is Made for Tooling
Yann Cébron and Stéphane Nicoll take a look at some features from IntelliJ IDEA that help one get started with Spring Boot, dealing with configuration management and be more efficient.
Spreadsheets for Developers
Felienne Hermans presents various algorithms that outlining the power of Excel, showing that spreadsheets are fit for TDD and rapid prototyping.
CheckCell: Data Debugging for Spreadsheets
The presenters introduce CheckCell, an Excel add-on used to identify cells that have an unusually high impact on the spreadsheet’s computations.
Excel Coding Errors Are Destroying World Economies and F# (with Tsunami) Is Here to Stop Them!
Matthew Moloney discusses using F# and .NET inside Excel, demonstrating doing big data, cloud computing, using GPGPU and compiling F# Excel UDFs.
Becoming Productive Groovy/Grails and Spring Developer with IntelliJ IDEA
Andrey Cheptsov explores some of the IntelliJ IDEA’s tricky features helping Groovy&Grails developers to be more productive.
Taming JavaScript with Cloud9 IDE: a Tale of Tree Hugging
Zef Hemel introduces the Cloud9 JavaScript IDE, especially the static analysis library including inline error and warning highlighting, the rename refactoring and code completion.
Erik Onnen attempts to demonstrate that Java is still the best programming language for the JVM if simplified idioms are used along with proper tooling.