InfoQ Homepage IaaS Content on InfoQ
Secure Isolation in Rust: Hypervisors, Containers, and the Future of Composable Infrastructure
Allison Randal discusses how to obtain security through isolation in Rust using hypervisors and containers.
P to V to C: The Value of Bringing “Everything” to Containers
Cornelia Davis and Mukesh Gadiya examine the benefits of containerization, the role of infrastructure virtualization, discussing containers, pods, controllers, policies and more.
AaaS – Anything as a Service. Anything Left to Do, Then?
Dustin Huptas compares private infrastructure with cloud IaaS. PaaS, serverless, considering pros and cons and discussing cases where either model makes sense.
Big Data Infrastructure @ LinkedIn
Shirshanka Das describes LinkedIn’s Big Data Infrastructure and its evolution through the years, including details on the motivation and architecture of Gobblin, Pinot and WhereHows.
Petabytes Scale Analytics Infrastructure @Netflix
Tom Gianos and Dan Weeks discuss Netflix' overall big data platform architecture, focusing on Storage and Orchestration, and how they use Parquet on AWS S3 as their data warehouse storage layer.
Implementing Software Machines in Go and C
Eleanor McHugh discusses writing virtual machines using hardware emulation, including code snippets in Go and C.
API Virtualization – Mocking on Steroids
Ole Lensmar takes a look at a number of common API virtualization use cases - design-first development, sandboxing and load testing - to see how and when virtual APIs can help and when they can’t.
Enterprise IT: What's Beyond Virtualization
Derek Collison discusses some of the technologies and approaches for building a self-healing infrastructure: Intelligent layer 7 SDN with semantic awareness, self healing techniques, etc.
Using Docker in Cloud Networks
Chris Swan takes a look at Docker: what it is, why it was chosen, how it became an established platform, and what it takes to package applications and application infrastructure for use with Docker.
Migrating to Cloud Native with Microservices
Adrian Cockcroft discusses strategies, patterns and pathways to perform a gradual migration towards modern enterprise applications based on cloud, microservices and denormalized NoSQL databases.
The Game of Big Data: Scalable, Reliable Analytics Infrastructure at KIXEYE
Randy Shoup describes KIXEYE's analytics infrastructure from Kafka queues through Hadoop 2 to Hive and Redshift, built for flexibility, experimentation, iteration, testability, and reliability.
Virtualize Your Stack with Vagrant and Puppet
Jacob Mather shows how to transition a development stack from a local machine to a virtual solution on a server that can be extended to a private cloud.