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Computer Networks: Myths, Missteps, and Mysteries
Radia Perlman discusses various internet protocols like Ethernet and IP, and the difference between theory and practice when people browse the Internet.
Recipes for Blameless Accountability
Michelle Brush provides a set of norms and practices, but also antipatterns, for balancing accountability and blamelessness in organizations.
Streaming from Apache Iceberg - Building Low-Latency and Cost-Effective Data Pipelines
Steven Wu discusses the design of the Flink Iceberg, comparing the Kafka and Iceberg sources for streaming and how the Iceberg streaming source can power many common stream processing use cases.
What the Data Says: Emerging Technical Trends in Front-End and How They Affect You
Laurie Voss discusses the adoption of technical trends in web development, and uses data from over 16,000 responses to surveys of web developers to identify the key trends in front-end development.
24/7 State Replication
Todd Montgomery discusses lessons learned in designing systems, especially those based on replicated state machines, that need to continue operating.when things go wrong.
Azure Cosmos DB: Low Latency and High Availability at Planet Scale
Mei-Chin Tsai and Vinod Sridharan discuss the internal architecture of Azure Cosmos DB and how it achieves high availability, low latency, and scalability.
Tesla's Virtual Power Plant
The speakers explore the architecture of the Tesla Energy Platform including the use of asset hierarchies, functional programming techniques, trade-offs in edge vs. cloud computing.
Beyond Default Settings: Evaluating the Security of Kubernetes and Cloud Native Environments
The panelists discuss default configurations, authentication, and access control mechanisms in the context of what Kubernetes brings to the table in terms of security.
Honeycomb: How We Used Serverless to Speed up Our Servers
Jessica Kerr reviews the benefits (user experience on demand!) and constraints (everything in AWS has a limit!) of serverless-as-accelerator, and gives practical advice.
Magic Pocket: Dropbox’s Exabyte-Scale Blob Storage System
Facundo Agriel dives into the architecture of Magic Pocket, some early key design patterns, and the challenges of operating such a system at this scale.
Ubiquitous Caching: a Journey of Building Efficient Distributed and In-Process Caches at Twitter
Juncheng Yang discusses three trends in hardware, workload, and cache usage that shape the design of modern caches.
Stress Free Change Validation at Netflix
Javier Fernandez-Ivern discusses why a high confidence change process for code bases is needed, how zero-noise diffs help close the confidence gap, and recommended practices for building a diff system