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Ari Zilka on RAM is the New Disk & BigMemory
Terracotta creator Ari Zilka talks about about the RAM is the new disk and argues for scaling up before scaling out, comparing the architectural approaches of lots of VMs with small heaps vs. a few JVMs with very large heaps. Ari introduces BigMemory, a Java add-on to Enterprise Ehcache, which allows app designs with huge amounts of memory accessible in-process, with minimal garbage collection.
Justin Sheehy and Damien Katz on Riak and CouchDB
Justin Sheehy and Damien Katz discuss Riak and CouchDB, the strengths and trade-offs of different approaches to NoSQL, and why both databases are written in Erlang.
Bob Ippolito on Erlang and MochiWeb
Bob Ippolito talks about building web services with the Erlang-based MochiWeb and the differences to the Yaws web server, the strengths of Erlang and Python, and more.
Ville Tuulos on Big Data and Map/Reduce in Erlang and Python with Disco
Ville Tuulos talks about Disco, the Map/Reduce framework for Python and Erlang, real-world data mining with Python, the advantages of Erlang for distributed and fault tolerant software, and more.
Rod Johnson on Entrepreneurialism
Spring creator Rod Johnson discusses the importance of vision, teamwork, perserverance and sacrifice as he relates what it took to successfully build SpringSource from a small open source consultancy to a middleware powerhouse aimed at simplifying Enterprise Java, that sold to VMWare for hundreds of millions.
Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson on Erlang
Francesco Cesarini and Simon Thompson discuss how Erlang's design allows fault tolerance and resilience, modular error handling, details of the actor model implementation and distributed programming.
Erlang Inventors Talk Language Future
In this interview Joe Armstrong and Robert Virding, co-inventors of the Erlang language, talk about the future of the language, including its use in web programming, its ability to scale and more. The duo also discuss Erlang support for NoSQL databases, running the language on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and comparisons with other languages such as Google’s Go.
Webmachine and RESTful Web Frameworks with Justin Sheehy
Justin Sheehy discusses the benefits of RESTful web frameworks and how these apply to the Webmachine toolkit. He also talks about security, debugging and the future of web frameworks and HTTP.
Debasish Ghosh on DSLs and Akka
Debasish Gosh talks about Domain Specific Languages: how to build DSLs with Scala or XText, real world DSLs, parser combinators and monads. Also: how Akka brings actor-based programming to the JVM.
Jerome Dochez Discusses Early Plans for Java EE 7, Planned to Ship in 2012
In this interview, recorded at QCon London, Glassfish architect Jerome Dochez talks to Charles Humble about plans for Java EE 7. The interview covers what Java EE 6 has achieved, possible additional profiles, the impact of the cloud, new features planned for the platform, and modularity.
Randy Shoup on Evolvable Systems
Randy Shoup discusses evolvable systems: how to run different versions of a system in parallel during migrations, decoupling a system with events, schemas at eBay and much more.
Future of Web Application Security, with Tyler Close
As web applications have evolved away from the old client-server model, so have the security threads. In this interview Tyler Close talks about common security challenges and how these are affected by the new HTML5 APIs and Ecmascript 5.