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Developer Evangelist Jon Gottfried on App Development with Twilio
Developer Evangelist Jon Gottfried of Twilio discusses the ins and outs of adding voice and SMS messages with Twilio's RESTful API. Learn about adding Twilio's telephony features like sending and receiving text messages to and from your mobile or web app.
Francesco Cesarini and Viktor Klang on the Reactive Manifesto
Francesco Cesarini and Viktor Klang explain the motivation behind the Reactive Manifesto and what exactly it brings to the table. Also: what Erlang and Scala/Akka can learn from each other.
Cliff Click on In-Memory Processing, 0xdata H20, Efficient Low Latency Java and GCs
Cliff Click explains 0xdata's H20, a clustering and in-memory math and statistics solution (available for Hadoop and standalone), writing H20's memory representation and compression in Java, low latency Java vs GCs, and much more.
Dean Wampler on Scalding, NoSQL, Scala, Functional Programming and Big Data
Dean Wampler explains Scalding and the other Hadoop support libraries, the return of SQL, how (big) data is the killer application for functional programming, Java 8 vs Scala, and much more.
Web Security with Aaron Bedra
Aaron Bedra talks about web security and issues that affect e-commerce and online payments services.
Machine Learning Netflix Style with Xavier Amatriain
Xavier Amatriain discusses how Netflix uses specialized roles, including that of the Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer, to deliver valuable data at the right time to Netflix' customer base through a mixture of offline, online, and nearline data processes. Xavier also discusses what it takes to become a Machine Learning Engineer and how to gain real experience in the field.
Eva Andreasson on Hadoop, the Hadoop Ecosystem, Impala
Eva Andreasson explains the various Hadoop technologies and how they interact, real-time queries with Impala, the Hadoop ecosystem including Hue, Oozie, YARN, and much more.
Victor Grazi on Java, Process and being a Java Champion
Victor Grazi talks to InfoQ about his popular tutorial application Java Concurrent Animated, and other things on his mind including Java, the financial industry, software development lifecycle, and being a Java Champion.
Dave Farley on Continuous Delivery
Dave Farley discusses the reasons for Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment, the advantages and challenges they pose, and much more.
Tim Berglund on Product Owners, Product Development at GitHub
Tim Berglund explains GitHub's approach to product owners and product development and how that can (or can not) translate to other companies.
Ed Cortis on Activity Based Working
Ed Cortis talks about Agile (or whether it is just common sense) in Operations teams as well as sharing his experiences in rolling out an Activity Based Working environment at Bankwest.
Rachel Laycock on Continuous Delivery
Rachel Laycock explains her experience with bringing Continuous Delivery to companies, the main technical and social obstacles, and much more.