InfoQ Homepage Infrastructure Content on InfoQ
Reactive Web Applications
Stephane Maldini and Rossen Stoyanchev discuss building reactive web applications, the choice of runtimes, using reactive streams for network I/O and the reactive programming model.
Developing Real-time Data Pipelines with Apache Kafka
Joe Stein makes an introduction for developers about why and how to use Apache Kafka. Apache Kafka is a publish-subscribe messaging system rethought of as a distributed commit log.
Building Highly-resilient Systems at Pinterest
Yongsheng Wu talks about how to build highly-resilient systems at scale. Wu presents also failure cases that prompted engineers at Pinterest to build such systems, and how they test these systems.
Inside Yelp's SOA Infrastructure
Kyle Anderson discusses details on how to tie Mesos, Docker, SmartStack, Haproxy, Git, and Sensu all together into a coherent system that developers can use to ship their code in a self-serve way.
Applied Spring Integration, Spring AMQP and RabbitMQ in Spring XD
Gary Russell discusses how Spring Integration and Spring AMQP are used as two of the underlying technologies in Spring XD.
Apache Spark for Big Data Processing
Ilayaperumal Gopinathan and Ludwine Probst discuss Spark and its ecosystem, in particular Spark Streaming and MLlib, providing a concrete example, and showing how to use Spark with Spring XD.
Preparing PayPal for Launch
Sri Shivananda presents a case study on what it took to successfully separate PayPal’s technical infrastructure from eBay Inc. Sri shares key learnings applicable to engineers and developers.
Writing a Kubernetes Autoscaler with Groovy and Spring Boot
Ray Tsang shares his experience in writing a custom metrics collector plus an autoscaler using Groovy and Spring Boot, deployed as containerized microservices in Kubernetes.
The Lego Model for Machine Learning Pipelines
Leah McGuire describes the machine learning platform Salesforce wrote on top of Spark to modularize data cleaning and feature engineering.
Enterprise Architecture in a Heterogeneous Environment
Dustin Hudson discusses enterprise architecture using case studies and life examples to illustrate how to put together legacy systems and third-party apps while considering user-driven decisions.
LinkedIn's Active/Active Evolution
Erran Berger discusses how they scaled architecture at LinkedIn across multiple data centers.
How Netflix Directs 1/3rd of Internet Traffic
Haley Tucker and Mohit Vora discuss the architecture at Netflix that makes streaming happen, while highlighting interesting lessons and design patterns that can be widely applied.