InfoQ Homepage Integration Content on InfoQ
PCF in the Land of NSX: A Closer Look at PCF with NSX-V vs. NSX-T
Sabha Parameswaran discuses NSX-V and NSX-T, the differences between them and their integration with PCF.
Alluxio: The Journey Thus Far and the Road ahead
Gene Pang introduces Alluxio, an open-source memory-speed virtual distributed storage system, integrations with other storage systems and some of the improvements they are working on.
Journey from Data Integration to Data Science
Michael Wise discusses the journey from having data integrated across an organization, to employing data science to make good use of it.
Domain Architecture Isomorphism: How Spotlight Inverted Conway's Law
Dylan Beattie discusses the challenges faced restructuring Spotlight so their organization aligns with the natural domain boundaries of their business.
20 Minutes from Ticket to Production. Zero Downtime.
Paul Payne explains the benefits of containerization of a Go web service, discussing testing, integration, canary deploys and how they achieve 20 minute development cycles with zero downtime.
How we Build Rock-solid Apps and Keep 100M+ Users Happy at Shazam
Giannakakis and Dalkitsis present how Shazam releases faster, more predictably and with more features by using BDD and automation testing, without slowing down or hindering the development process.
Sirius + Xtext = ♥
Maxime Porhel discusses possible integration paths between Sirius and Xtext with demos based on Xtext DSLs, and the latest progress made in Sirius 3.0 regarding this integration.
Lightning Fast Cluster Computing with Spark and Cassandra
Piotr Kołaczkowski discusses how they integrated Spark with Cassandra, how it was done, how it works in practice and why it is better than using a Hadoop intermediate layer.
Reactive Application Design for High Volume Multi-dimensional Temporal Data Series
Stuart Williams examines some of the problems faced building an application processing billions of events/day with Spring Integration, Spring Expression Language, Reactor and the LMAX Disruptor.
Managing Internal and External Services for a High Uptime Goal
Shobana Radhakrishnan shares details about best practices adopted in implementing API integration with third party services, how to manage change and deal with failures.
"Bootiful" Applications with Spring Boot
Josh Long and Phillip Webb present what Spring Boot is, why it's turning heads, why you should consider it for your next application and how to get started.
Metrics-Driven Prioritization
Sam McAfee outlines an approach they are using at Neo to help their clients integrate business metrics and probabilistic modeling into their prioritization process.