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Introduction to SproutCore
Mike Subelsky discusses the SproutCore JavaScript framework, desktop vs browser development, key/value observeration, data bindings, demos, SproutCore features and API, and example SproutCore apps.
JavaScript: Measuring Performance, Games, and Distributed Testing
John Resig touches three JavaScript issues: performance measuring, creating games and performing distributed testing.
Developing JavaScript Desktop Applications
Appcelerator's Titanium allows to build and deploy desktop applications which run seamlessly on Windows, OSX and Linux desktops using Javascript and HTML. Also: how Titanium compares with Adobe Air.
Interoperable JavaScript-Based Client/Server Web Applications
Kris Zyp on protocols, standards, and tools for building web applications using a consistent end-to-end JavaScript model. He exemplifies with DOJO and Persevere. Key topics: JavaScript, JSON, REST.
PhoneGap: Mobile Applications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Brian LeRoux presents PhoneGap, a mobile web framework for creating phone applications using just HTML and JavaScript without having to programm in phone’s native language, Objective C, Java or C++.
Hacking Selenium
Jason Huggins covers why Selenium exists, Selenium as a functional testing tool, problems with using Selenium, Selenium history, Selenium components, issues encountered and Selenium hacks/workarounds.
Real Time Web with XMPP
After an introduction to XMPP, Jack Moffitt presents Strophe, a library for writing XMPP clients, and he demonstrates sample code showing how to program against it.