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JUnit 5: Evolution and Innovation
Sam Brannen presents new features in JUnit 5: parallel test execution, temporary directories, custom display name generators, method ordering, timeouts, the Test Kit, and new extension APIs.
JUnit 5: The Next Step in Automated Testing
Sam Brannen discusses JUnit 5, how it makes automated testing easier, and how it allows developers and organizations to encourage and enforce good development practices.
JUnit 5 — New Opportunities for Testing on the JVM
Sam Brannen discusses the architecture of JUnit 5 and demos some of its main features: tagging, DI, repeated tests, parameterized tests, conditional test execution, lambda for assertions, etc..
Testing with Spring 4.3, JUnit 5, and beyond
Sam Brannen overviews testing improvements in Spring 4.3, covers recent improvements in Spring MVC Test and testing features in Spring 5.0, adding examples with upcoming support for JUnit 5 on Java 8.
Grails Functional Testing with Geb
Craig Atkinson presents using the Geb functional testing library for creating robust and readable tests with both JUnit and Spock, and configuring Geb for testing across multiple browsers.
Gallio, a .NET Testing Automation Platform
Jeff Brown presents Gallio, a test automation platform, and MbUnit, a test automation framework for .NET. He shows how DbUnit works on Gallio and talks about the challenges to create such a platform.