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Josh Bloch on Java and Programming
In this interview, Google’s Josh Bloch shares his views on the open-source Java landscape as well as on the future of the Java language, including changes being implemented via Project Coin. Bloch also discusses support for multi-core in programming languages, support for multiple languages on the JVM, Java pain points and the “next big language.”
Laforge and Rocher Discuss the future of Groovy, Grails and Java
In this interview, Graeme Rocher and Guillaume Laforge of SpringSource talk about the present and future of the Grails framework and the Groovy language. Rocher talks about Grails 1.4 and some of its enhancements such as improvements to GORM. And Laforge discusses Groovy 1.8, which features new DSL authoring capabilities, among other things. They look at how Java’s future impacts their projects.
Yehuda Katz on Rails 3.x
Yehuda Katz talks on how Rails 3.0 has been received by the community, what are the differences compared to other similar frameworks, the impact of having different Ruby implementations, and what’s coming in Rails 3.1.
Scala, Erlang, F# Creators Discuss Functional Languages
In this interview from the Erlang Factory event in London, three creators of modern functional languages -- Martin Odersky, creator of Scala; Joe Armstrong, a creator of Erlang; and Don Syme, creator of F# -- discuss the similarities and differences of their creations. They also discuss their languages’ common thread -- that they integrate object-oriented features in functional languages.
Ulf Wiger on Robustness and Scalability in Erlang
Ulf Wiger explains the origins of some of Erlang's core principles and how they're even more relevant today. Also: a look at the strengths of Erlang, Clojure and Haskell.
Simon Thompson and John Hughes on Functional Programming with Erlang and Haskell
Functional programming experts Simon Thompson and John Hughes discuss functional programming in today’s computing environments, particularly through the use of the Erlang and Haskell languages. In addition to debating the intricacies of both languages and their similarities and differences, Thompson and Hughes also discuss the growing popularity and maturity if functional programming.
Kresten Krab Thorup Discusses Programming Languages, Concurrency and Integration
Kresten answers questions about current programming languages and problems they solve. He also tries to look at what is missing for addressing issues we face today such as concurrency. He discusses its importance and tries to portray the language that would take us to the next level helping to tackle these issues easily.
Dan Lucraft on NoSQL DBs with Rails and the Design of JRuby-based Editor RedCar
Dan Lucraft talks about working with MongoDB and using asynchronous observers with Rails. Also: the design of the JRuby/SWT/HTML/Javascript-based, extensible editor RedCar.
Jon Travis on Hyperic HQU and Monitoring with Spring Insight
Jon Travis explains Hyperic HQU as well as Spring Insight, a tool for monitoring Java web apps, how it uses AspectJ to instrument Java code, how to use it to find performance problems and more.
Jim Coplien: Why DCI is the Right Architecture for Right Now
Jim Coplien, co-creator of Data, Context and Interaction (DCI) architecture, covers a variety of topics including DCI, the importance of language support for DCI and the state of Agile development. Coplien has championed the DCI architecture with Trygve ReensKaug, the inventor of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates data and its processing from presentation.
Javier Soltero Discusses Management and Monitoring of Complex Java Applications
In this interview from SpringOne 2009, Javier Soltero discusses the challenges of managing a complex Java application, the Hyperic toolset, out-of-the-box versus developer-built application management/monitoring hooks, the effect of both the SpringSource and the VMWare acquisition on Hyperic development, and the result of combining SpringSource and VMWare's offerings.
Stuart Halloway on Clojure and Functional Programming
Relevance, Inc. co-founder Stuart Halloway discusses Clojure and functional programing on the JVM in depth, and touches on the uses of a number of other modern JVM languages including JRuby, Groovy, Scala and Haskell. He also makes a case for structural edit modes in IDEs, and shares some of his favorite IT books.