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- Architecture with Brian Zimmer
In this interview taken during QCon 2007, Brian Zimmer talks about the architectural challenges he has faced working on, one of America's most popular online travel booking sites. He touches the subject of dynamic languages and their importance in augmenting Java in order to become a better and richer platform.
Smalltalk Dave about Programming Languages, SOA, MDA and the Web
In an interview at OOPSLA, Dave Thomas talks about the reasons for the rise of Java, what's behind Web 2.0, MDA and SOA, the rise of dynamic languages and the opportunities that he sees in the web as a platform.
Jim Weirich Discusses Rake, the Ruby Make Tool
Jim Weirich, is the Chief Scientist for EdgeCase LLC and thecreator of rake, the popular make-like build tool written in Ruby. In this interview with InfoQ, Jim disccusses the birth of rake, Domain Specific Languages, and flexmock, his mocking library.
Attila Szegedi Discusses Rhino
Attila Szegedi discusses the Rhino JavaScript engine. Topics covered include the implementation of Rhino, Rhino's featureset, continuations, usage patterns for embedding Rhino, running JavaScript on the server, scripting capabilities for Rhino, JavaScript versus Ruby, JavaScript on Rails, and future plans for Rhino.
Ola Bini Discusses JRuby
Ola Bini discusses JRuby, an implementation of Ruby written in Java that runs on the JVM. Amongst other things, Ola talks about his appreciation for the Ruby community, and describes his view of the differences with the Java community. He also briefly discusses his vision on the future of Ruby, particularly the potential of merging some of the more powerful features found in Lisp.
Charles Nutter discusses JRuby
JRuby project lead Charles Nutter discusses how he got involved with JRuby, Sun's involvement with JRuby, how JRuby fits into enterprise-level web applications, the possibility of a friendly fork of the OpenJDK source code, reasons for switching to JRuby, the future of JRuby, Spring and JRuby, and the Ruby community as a whole.
Websphere CTO Jerry Cuomo on REST & Project Zero
IBM Fellow and WebSphere CTO Jerry Cuomo talks about REST and Project Zero, IBM's new Groovy & PHP based RESTful app mashup / scripting / dev tool.
Guillaume Laforge on Groovy and DSLs
Groovy project manager Guillaume Laforge discusses the history of Groovy, it's relationship to Java, where Groovy fits into Java development,how Groovy compares to Ruby, how Groovy enables domain-specific languages, and what future Groovy development will focus on.
Tim Bray on Rails, REST, XML, Java, and More
InfoQ Ruby editor Obie Fernandez interviews Tim Bray, one of the inventors of XML and current Director of Web Technologies for Sun Microsystems. We cover varied topics such as his opinions about Ruby and Rails, the impact of dynamic languages on web development, static versus dynamic typing, Sun's support of the JRuby project, Atom, and WS-* versus REST approaches to systems integration.