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Presentation: Three Years of Real-World Ruby
Martin Fowler talks about ThoughtWorks's experience with using Ruby on client projects for the past three years, and the creation of a Ruby-based product 'Mingle'.
Roundup: Scala as the long term replacement for Java
Scala has been receiving much attention lately as a possible candidate to replace Java in the future. James Strachan creator of Groovy advocates in favor of Scala as James Gosling, creator of Java and Charles Nutter JRuby Core Developer, have done in the past.
Android Gets Scripting Support with Python, Lua, Beanshell; Ruby planned
The Android Scripting Environment (ASE) project adds scripting functionality to Android. The native versions of languages like Lua and Python can script Android APIs exposed via JSON-RPC. Support for Ruby, as well as JVM-based languages is planned as well.
MacRuby Drops GIL, Gains Concurrent Threads
MacRuby joins the ranks of JRuby and IronRuby and moved away from Ruby 1.9's Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in the experimental branch.
Twitter, an Evolving Architecture
Evan Weaver, Lead Engineer in the Services Team at Twitter, who’s primarily job is optimization and scalability, talked about Twitter’s architecture and especially the optimizations performed over the last year to improve the web site during QCon London 2009.
Goat Rodeo: A Unified Data Model for Web Applications
David Pollak, found of the Lift web framework and "Beginning Scala" author, has announced a new initiative "Goat Rodeo" that aims to bring data modeling into the 21st century.
Ruby VM Roundup: IronRuby 1.0 Coming Up, RubySpec, JRuby 1.3.1
IronRuby's alive and kicking - and will go 1.0 in July. We look at some resources to get up to speed with IronRuby's status. Also: JRuby 1.3.1 is an important bug fix update for JRuby users, MacRuby continues to improve and MagLev now comes with a native parser.
DoS Vulnerability in BigDecimal
A DoS vulnerability has been found in all Ruby 1.8.x versions, fixes are now available in 1.8.6-p369 and 1.8.7-p173. Current JRuby versions also seem to be affected.
JRuby Roundup: JRuby 1.3 Released, ruby2java, JSR 292 Progress
JRuby 1.3 is now available, bringing performance improvements and compatibility with Google AppEngine. Work on other improvements is continuing and a first version of the ruby2java compiler is now available. Also: InvokeDynamic support is making it's way into the builds for the next Java version.
RubyGems Roundup: Fat Binary Gems, Is It JRuby and New Plugins
Aaron Patterson has a solution for native Windows RubyGems that support both Ruby 1.8 and 1.9 at the same time: fat binary gems. Is It tracks JRuby compatibility for popular Gems; and some new RubyGems plugins emerged.
JRuby Roundup: GitHub:FI, JRuby on JBoss with TorqueBox, EngineYard with JRuby Support
GitHub now offers an installable version of the service for users who want to keep their code inside their network - and it's built on JRuby. TorqueBox is a new solution for running JRuby on Rails on JBoss, complete with integration for job queues and SIP integration Also: EngineYard announced it will start providing JRuby as a hosting option in July.
Rich Hickey on Clojure's Features and Implementation
In this interview from QCon London 2009, Rich Hickey talks about Clojure. The discussion includes the ideas behind Clojure's STM support, what other concurrency primitives Clojure supports and which ones might get added in the future. Other topics covered are Clojure's AOT support, the role and implementation of multimethods, Clojure ports to other systems and much more.
Interview: Talking RubyMine with JetBrains Developer Dmitry Jemerov
Dmitry Jemerov is the lead developer of the RubyMine IDE project at JetBrains. RubyMine is the new integrated development environment from JetBrains focusing on helping Ruby and Ruby on Rails developers be more productive and efficient programmers.
Ruby VM Roundup: Nokogiri and Nailgun on JRuby, Ruby 1.9.1p129, MagLev Update
JRuby 1.3 will allow to reduce startup times in some situations using Nailgun. Nokogiri, a popular XML library, now runs on the latest JRuby thanks to ruby-ffi. Finally: Ruby 1.9.1-p129 is a new release that fixes a few bugs and security issues.
Data, Context and Interaction : A New Architectural Approach by James O. Coplien and Trygve Reenskau
James O. Coplien and Trygve Reenskaug have recently introduced a new architectural approach to OOP based on Data, Context and Interaction pattern. It should allow capturing user mental model in terms of behavioral requirements, something that classic OOP fails to do. The article, that triggered many reactions and critics, provides insights into DCI using concrete examples to show its advantages.