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Clojure: Enemy of the State
Alex Miller discusses Clojure’s approach to data, comparing it with OOP’s approach, and covering various related topics such as mutation, state vs. value, primitive and composite data.
The Joy of Flying Robots with Clojure
Carin Meier shares from her experience doing functional programming in Clojure for flying robots.
Piplin – A DSL for Describing Silicon in Clojure
David Greenberg introduces Piplin, a DSL that allows a subset of Clojure to be automatically converted into a hardware description, which can then be placed onto an FPGA or made into a silicon chip.
Macros vs. Monads
Chris Houser and Jonathan Claggett compare macros with monads, suggesting when it is better to use each of them, and pondering what could be done to improve them.
Functional Infrastructures: It's All Fn until You Hit Production
Antoni Batchelli discusses building an automated infrastructure in Clojure.
Design, Composition and Performance
Rich Hickey explores the nature of design and composition and how it impacts the software development practice and tools.
Macros: Why, When, and How
Gary Fredericks discusses macros, what they are, how to write good ones, when to use them and when to avoid using them.
Functional Async Without the Pain
Jim Powers presents ways to use functional programming techniques and the new Async framework for Scala to regain compositionality while retaining the power of the model.
A Bright Future Full of Promise: Asynchronous Pipelines in Scala and Java
Heather Miller shows how to perform asynchronous programming in Scala and Java with composable pipelines using the Futures and Promises API.
Introducing ClojureScript-in-ClojureScript
Joel Martin introduces cljs-in-cljs, a compiler for porting all of ClojureScript, including the Clojure top-half and other JVM specific code, to pure ClojureScript.
Taking Scala into the Enterprise
Peter Pilgrim introduces Scala to advancing beginners: getting the most out of Scala, working with popular Java frameworks, the build tools and some of the new features of Scala 2.10.
Core.logic and SQL Killed my ORM
Craig Brozefsky presents the tradeoffs involved with moving to a purely SQL relational model, instead of using an ORM, along with some of the tools built to facilitate this.