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Clever, Classless and Free
Håkan Råberg introduces – an extension adding Lambdas to Java 5 – and shen.clj - used to compile Shen, a LISP variant, to Clojure.
A Taxonomy of Scala
Jamie Allen explains some of the terminology encountered by Scala developers and not only: OO features, pattern matching, functional programming, actors, futures, tuples, implicits, type theory, etc.
Compiling Scala to LLVM
Geoff Reedy informs on the current status of a LLVM backend for the Scala compiler project he’s working on, detailing on its design and implementation.
Lessons from Functional Programming in Five Languages
Robert Rees shares lessons learned while using Clojure and applied them to other languages, Scala, JavaScript and Java.
Monads for Normal People
Dustin Getz shows writing monads code explaining how they work and why they are useful.
Clojure after the Honeymoon
Håkan Råberg and Jon Pither on introducing Clojure to an investment bank team having a large Java code, dealing with cultural differences, the lessons learned, and ways of dealing with legacy code.
Akka Eye for the Spring Guy or Gal
Jan Machacek introduces writing Scala applications to Spring developers, demoing using Akka actors with mix-in composition, higher-order functions, higher-order kinds, and REST API.
Grails Update
Jeff Brown presents what’s new in Grails 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2, and informs on the enhancements to be introduced with 2.3.
This is Your Workflow on Catnip
Bodil Stokke introduces the productivity benefits of Catnip, a text editor with REPL (Read Eval Print Loop) functionality integrated into the Clojure environment.
Clojure + Datomic + Storm = Zolodeck
Amit Rathore describes the architecture of Zolodeck, a virtual relationship manager built on Clojure, Datomic, and Storm.
Keynote: Spring 2012 and Beyond
Adrian Colyer, Juergen Hoeller, Mark Pollack and Graeme Rocher present SpringSource’s Unifying Component Model, current developments regarding Big Data, and betting on Grails.
Scaling Software with Akka
Jonas Bonér explains solving scalability issues, including adaptive automatic load-balancing, cluster rebalancing, replication and partitioning, with Akka 2.