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Java 8 Auto-Update, Java 7 End of Public Update
Oracle has started auto-updating JRE 7 to JRE 8. Auto-update was turned on in January 20, 2015 and affects Windows 32-bit and OS X users who use Java's auto-update mechanism. This is not a silent upgrade and requires user permission. JRE 8 was released on March 2014 and has been the default version on since October 2014.
NetBeans 8: Support for Java 8, HTML5 and Beyond
NetBeans 8 contains a number of Java 8 and Java EE enhancements, as well as HTML5 support. NetBeans users rejoice!
Spring Updated for Java 8
Java 8 might be difficult for enterprise projects to adopt, mostly because of established Java EE application servers. Those using Tomcat and Jetty will likely have an edge in upgrading. Spring 4.0.3 was recently released, with official support for Java 8 as well as many WebSocket improvements.