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In-Memory Caching: Curb Tail Latency with Pelikan
Yao Yue introduces Pelikan, a framework to implement distributed caches such as Memcached and Redis.
Writing Your Own Spring Boot Starter
Dieter Hubau explains the workings of a Spring Boot Starter project and goes over the necessary code for creating one using his recently developed starter for integrating Spring Social with Redis.
Spring Boot Microservices, Containers, and Kubernetes - How-to
R Tsang shows how to create a Java-based microservice using Spring Boot, containerize it using Maven plugins and deploy a fleet of microservices and dependent components such as Redis using Kubernetes
Modern Apps & Microservices
Bob Familiar introduces microservices, discussing their architecture and outlining cloud deployment scenarios, exemplified by a live demo on Microsoft Azure.
NoSQL Like There is No Tomorrow
The authors take a deep dive into the history of NoSQL at, from the world of relational databases to the Dynamo days to the world of managed services like DynamoDB.
How WebMD Maintains Operational Flexibility with NoSQL
Rajeev Borborah, Matthew Wilson discuss using NoSQL at WebMD -architecture, benefits, roadmap-, with details on caching and key-value storage implementation behind a few of the WebMD applications.
Building a Multi-Master Distributed Redis in Erlang
Chad DePue presents the process of building Edis, a Redis clone written in Erlang, allowing pluggable backends and implementing the Paxos algorithm.
Scaling Pinterest
Details on Pinterest's architeture, its systems -Pinball, Frontdoor-, and stack - MongoDB, Cassandra, Memcache, Redis, Flume, Kafka, EMR, Qubole, Redshift, Python, Java, Go, Nutcracker, Puppet, etc.
Amazon DynamoDB Design Patterns & Best Practices
Siva Raghupathy discusses DynamoDB Design Patterns & Best Practices for realizing DynamoDB benefits at the right cost.
Dynamo: Theme and Variations
Shanley Kane discusses Dynamo - consistent hashing, vector clocks, hinted handoff, gossip protocol - advances in each area, and how querying and application development has changed as a result of them
Real World Redis
David Czarnecki discusses several Redis data structures and their associated libraries used in real cases for building leaderboards, relationships and activity feeds.
Spring Data - NoSQL - No Problems...
Peter Bell introduces 4 NoSQL categories –Key-Value, Document, Column, Graph - and explains how one can use Spring Data to work with such data stores.