InfoQ Homepage Kubernetes Content on InfoQ
Six Tips for Running Scalable Workloads on Kubernetes
Tips to ensure Kubernetes knows what is happening with your deployment: where best to schedule it, when is it ready to serve requests and ensuring work is spread across as many nodes as possible.
The Kubernetes Effect
To successfully design for, implement, and run applications on Kubernetes requires knowledge of primitives, and awareness of design principles and practices. This article provides an overview of Kubernetes and guidance for how to best use it.
DevOps and Cloud InfoQ Trends Report - January 2018
This article, following on from the Culture and Methods piece we published last week, provides a summary of how we currently see the operations space, which for us is mainly DevOps and cloud.
Understanding Cloud Native Infrastructure: Interview with Justin Garrison and Kris Nova
"Cloud Native Infrastructure: Patterns for Scalable Infrastructure and Applications in a Dynamic Environment" from O’Reilly Media is a collection of guidance about building and managing modern infrastructure. InfoQ reached out to the authors to learn more about what they’re proposing, and how you can act upon it.
Continuous Delivery with Kubernetes the Hard Way
Automating continuous delivery with Kubernetes requires a Single-Source-Of-Truth, and that rollbacks can be implemented efficiently without requiring new code changes to be pushed.
Article Series: Containers in the Real World - Stepping Off the Hype Curve
This article series explains how containers are actually being used within the enterprise. It dives into the core technology behind containers and how this is currently being used by developers, examines core challenges with deploying containers in the enterprise and the future of containerisation, and discusses the role unikernels are currently playing within leading-edge organisations.
"Using Docker" Book Review and Q&A with Author Adrian Mouat
InfoQ recently sat down with Adrian Mouat, author of “Using Docker”, and explored the motivations for writing the book, his thoughts on the reasons why Docker has captured the IT industry’s attention such as short time span, and how containers can be best utilised within a typical software development lifecycle.
Scaling Docker with Kubernetes V1
Find out what's new in Kubernetes V1 with a Jenkins example in Google Container Engine (and locally with Vagrant). Kubernetes V1 brings enterprise-level capabilities such as self healing, service discovery, dynamic DNS, resource quotas, centralized logging, network isolation, resource quotas. In short, Kubernetes V1 makes management of Docker fleets easier.
Scaling Docker with Kubernetes
An introductory guide to scaling Kubernetes with Docker. Kubernetes is an open-source project to manage a cluster of Linux containers as a single system, managing and running Docker containers across multiple hosts, offering co-location of containers, service discovery and replication control.