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Google Unveils Details about Borg
Google has published the paper "Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg", unveiling details on a technology that was very little spoken about in the past.
Arun Gupta: Recipes for Deploying Java EE Apps with Docker and Kubernetes
At JavaLand 2015, Arun Gupta presented several ‘recipes’ for deploying Java EE applications using Docker and Kubernetes. Gupta stated that containers are beneficial for deploying and managing applications, as they provide faster deployment, isolation and portability. The use of a container cluster manager, such as Kubernetes, also ensures availability and scalability.
Mirantis Partners with Google to Integrate Kubernetes and OpenStack
OpenStack specialists Mirantis have announced a joint project with Google to integrate the Kubernetes container management system with the OpenStack project, which will allow Docker containers to be deployed at scale on infrastructure managed by OpenStack.
CoreOS Propose Modification to Docker for Supporting appc ACIs
CoreOS have opened a pull-request to Docker which contains a proof-of-concept modification to enable Docker to run appc app container images (ACIs). At the same time CoreOS have also released a new version of Rocket that supports the native running of Docker images.
CoreOS Shipped the First Stable Version of etcd
CoreOS announced the availability of etcd 2.0, the first stable version of the open source distributed key-value store.
Google Shares its Views on Containers
The Google Cloud Platform team started an article series to share its views on container, leveraging their 10-year experience on the technology. Google's first two articles provide an overview of the topic. They explain the rationale behind container clusters and their defining traits. Along the way, they show how it all applies to Kubernetes.