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GraalVM Native Image on RISC-V
The fifth generation of the Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) architecture, called RISC-V, was introduced in 2010. RISC is an open standard instruction set for processors, available for free, under open source licenses. GraalVM may now be used to compile and run native images on RISC-V machines.
Rust 1.60 Released with LLVM-Native Code Coverage Along with Rust 2024 Roadmap
Rust 1.60 stabilizes source-based code coverage using LLVM native instrumentation, re-enables incremental compilation by default, and enforces Instant monotonicity guarantees. Additionally, the Rust team has formalized its roadmap for Rust evolution until 2024.
Mold is a New Linux Linker Aiming to Outperform Lld
Mold, a modern drop-in replacement for current Unix linkers, has reached version 1.0. Written by the original creator of the LLVM lld linker, mold aims to be several times faster than its predecessor.
Microsoft Introduces Its Quantum Intermediate Representation
Based on LLVM, IBM Quantum Intermediate Representation (QIR) extends LLVM IR to better suit the representation of quantum constructs.
Google Propeller Squeezes Extra Performance from Large-Scale LLVM Binaries
Google Propeller is able to improve the performance of LLVM binaries by relinking and optimizing them based on a profile of their behaviour at runtime. Propeller can bring 2-9% improvements on key performance benchmarks for binaries that were previously highly optimized by LLVM, say Google engineers.
Caching Clang-Based C++ Compiler Zapcc Open-Sourced
Zapcc is a caching C++ compiler based on a fork of Clang/LLVM that claims to be up to 50x faster on recompilations and 2–5x faster on full builds. Developed by Creemple and initially released at the end of 2015, Zapcc is now open-source.
.NET WebAssembly Support an Ongoing Experiment
WebAssembly now ships on by default in the four major browsers and the .NET community continues to push forward to provide .NET developers the ability to compile their to WebAssembly and run it in the browser.
LLVM Has Documented the PDB Format, Complete with PDB to YAML Conversion
LLVM can now generate PDB files, allowing the use of Windows debugging tools. In addition, they have documented the format and created tooling for analyzing with and generating PDB files from YAML.
Azul Systems Launches Falcon, a New Just-in-Time Compiler for Java, Based on LLVM
Azul Systems has today announced the immediate availability of Zing 17.03, with full support for Azul’s new Falcon just-in-time (JIT) compiler based on LLVM and designed to replace the C2 compiler used in prior versions of Zing, as well as in Oracle HotSpot and OpenJDK. Falcon is the first new production JIT compiler available for Java SE since C2 was introduced at JavaOne in 1997.
LLD, LLVM’s New Linker, Coming to LLVM 4
LLD, which touts great performance improvements over GCC ld, will be included in LLVM 4 rc1 and enabled by default. Although the new linker is already able to build a running FreeBSD/amd64 base system, its inclusion in LLVM is still experimental and could be set back in rc2 if it causes problems.
MIT Extended LLVM IR to Enable Better Optimization of Parallel Programs
Researchers at MIT have been working on a fork of LLVM to explore a new approach to optimizing parallel code by embedding fork-join parallelism directly into the compiler’s intermediate representation (IR). This, the researchers maintain, makes it possible to leverage most of the IR-level serial optimizations for parallel programs.
Checked C - A Safer C/C++ from Microsoft
Microsoft has open sourced Checked C, a research project meant to add bounds checking to C and C++.
LLVM 3.8 Discontinues Old Windows Versions, Deprecates Autoconf, Improves Clang
The LLVM team has announced the release of LLVM, which includes a few major deprecations, new C API headers, and Clang 3.8.
WebAssembly: A Universal Binary and Text Format for the Web
Mozilla, Google, Microsoft and Apple have decided to develop a binary format for the web. Called WebAssembly, this format could be a compilation target for any programming language, enabling applications to run in the browser or other agents.
Cling Aims to Provide a High-performance C++ REPL
Cling is an interactive C++ interpreter that is built on top of LLVM and Clang and promises to provide a leap in productivity by going beyond the usual code-compile-run-debug C++ workflow.