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LinkedIn Migrates away from Lambda Architecture to Reduce Complexity
Software engineers from LinkedIn recently published how they migrated away from a Lambda architecture. The Lambda architecture implementation caused their solution to have high operational overhead and added complexity, leading to slow product iteration times. As a result, the engineers chose to migrate to a Lambda-less architecture, resulting in significant development velocity improvements.
Julien Le Dem on the Future of Column-Oriented Data Processing with Apache Arrow
Julien Le Dem, the PMC chair of the Apache Arrow project, presented on Data Eng Conf NY on the future of column-oriented data processing. Apache Arrow is an open-source standard for columnar in-memory execution. InfoQ interviewed Le Dem to find out the differences between Arrow and Parquet.
Stream Processing and Lambda Architecture Challenges
Lambda architecture has been a popular solution that combines batch and stream processing. Kartik Paramasivam at LinkedIn wrote about how his team addressed stream processing and Lambda architecture challenges using Apache Samza for data processing. The challenges described are the late arrival of events and the processing of duplicated messages.