InfoQ Homepage Low Latency Content on InfoQ
How NOT to Measure Latency
Gil Tene provides an in-depth overview of Latency and Response Time Characterization, including proven methodologies for measuring, reporting, and investigating latencies, including pitfalls to avoid.
Explorations of the Three Legged Performance Stool
Charlie Hunt explains the three performance attributes of throughput, latency and (memory) footprint and how each of these are influenced in terms of JVM garbage collection.
Go GC: Prioritizing Low Latency and Simplicity
Rick Hudson discusses the motivation, performance, and technical challenges of Go's low latency concurrent GC and why the approach fits Go well.
Distributed Eventually Consistent Computations
Christopher Meiklejohn looks at applying two techniques together, deterministic data flow programming and conflict-free replicated data types, to create highly available and fault-tolerant systems.
Java for Low Latency - You’ve Got to Be Joking!
John Davies walks through and demonstrates how to reduce latency while increasing throughput in applications, with demos using Java 8 and lambdas.
Responding Rapidly When You Have 100GB+ Data Sets in Java
Peter Lawrey discusses data-driven reactive systems, profiling latency distribution in such an environment, finding rare bugs, implementing resilience and monitoring.
10 Billion a Day, 100 Milliseconds Per: Monitoring Real-Time Bidding at AdRoll
Brian Troutwine shares insight on using Erlang for a highly concurrent and very low latency bidding system implemented by Adroll.
Understanding Latency: Some Key Lessons & Tools
In this solutions track talk, sponsored by Azul Systems, Gil Tene discusses pitfalls encountered in measuring and characterizing latency, and ways to address them using some new open source tools.
The Technology behind an Equity Trade
John O’Hara discusses banking business and technology integration, covering: low-latency, high-frequency trading, in-memory caches, multi-terabyte time-series databases, and contracts in NoSQL stores.
How NOT to Measure Latency
Gil Tene introduces and demonstrates how simple and recently open sourced tools can be used to improve and gain higher confidence in both latency measurement and reporting.
SPDY, err... HTTP 2.0: What Is It, How, Why, and When?
Roberto Peon introduces SPDY which is the starting point for HTTP 2.0, a standard in development, explaining why a new HTTP standard is needed and how SPDY helps.
High Performance Network Applications in the Capital Markets
Todd Montgomery discusses messaging and how peer-to-peer messaging has changed capital markets, then takes a peek into its future pointing out that queuing is dead.