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  • Developing iOS Games on Ruby

    Brian Sam-Bodden, founder of Integrallis, gave a demonstration at the Barcelona Ruby Conference on how to leverage RubyMotion and open source 2D graphical libraries to quickly create 2D games for iOS in plain Ruby without any knowledge of Object-C.

  • Harlan with Support for Rich Data Structures, Trees, Ragged Arrays and Higher Order Procedures

    Harlan programming language developed by Eric Holk, a doctoral student at Indiana University provides support for rich data structures, trees and ragged arrays in addition to higher order procedures.

  • Quickly Create Mono Bindings with Objective Sharpie

    Objective Sharpie is the child of Aaron Bockover. This tool creates C# bindings suitable for use in Mono for Objective C SDKs. Objective Sharpie works by using Clang to parse Objective C header files. Since the process is automated, and has full access to the header, binding errors should be non-existent for most libraries.

  • Xamarin 2.0 Brings a New IDE, Visual Studio Add-in for iOS and a Component Store

    Xamarin has made yet another major step in completing their vision on providing a set of common tools for cross-platform mobile development. With the announcement of Xamarin 2.0 comes a rebranding of their products, a new IDE called Xamarin Studio, a Visual Studio add-in for iOS development, and a component store, the later being detailed by Miguel de Icaza for InfoQ.

  • GitHub Boxen: Automating Mac OS X Configuration and Management

    GitHub has open sourced Boxen used internally for automated configuration of Mac laptops, a tool that could be converted to set up Linux or Windows machines.

  • Xamarin is Bringing C# to the Mac App Store

    Xamarin, makers of the popular MonoTouch and Mono for Android platforms, have entered into the Mac App Store market with Xamarin.Mac.

  • OpenSim 2.4 - Open Source Software for Modeling & Simulating Movement

    OpenSim represents a freely available open source software system for modeling and simulation of movement. The system is provided by NCSSR (National Center for Simulation in Rehabilitation Research) which denotes a research department within Stanford University, California. The spectrum of possible application domains such as rehabilitation medicine, robotics, or games makes OpenSim interesting.

  • MonoDevelop 2.6 Adds Git, Mac Support

    Version 2.6 of MonoDevelop, the open-source IDE for .NET and Mono development, includes several new features, the most notable of which are Git integration and support for the Mac platform via the MonoMac add-in.

  • GPU.NET 2.0 Brings HPC to Linux and Mac

    GPU.NET 2.0 supports Mono, enabling building and deploying computational intensive applications for Linux and Mac OS X along the already supported Windows.

  • GitHub Releases OSX Client

    GitHub have launched a desktop client for Mac OS X called simply GitHub for Mac.

  • MacRuby Roundup: Ruby Apps Show Up in Mac AppStore, MacRuby in Lion, XCode 4 Support

    The MacRuby team's busy working towards MacRuby 1.0, recently with the 0.10 release which adds XCode 4 support. Meanwhile, the first applications written using MacRuby have shown up in the Mac AppStore. Also: MacRuby seems to be part of the upcoming "Lion", Mac OS X 10.7.

  • Chameleon brings UIKit to OSX

    The Chameleon project has been launched by the Iconfactory to allow UIKit-based applications to be ported to MacOSX. This enabled Twitterific for OSX to share 90% of the code with its iOS version and ultimately permit Iconfactory to do simultaneous releases on the iOS and Mac App Stores.

  • MonoMac Offers .NET Style APIs for Cocoa Development

    MonoMac, the newest attempt at creating a GUI toolkit for C# on OS X, has hit its 1.0 release. MonoMac is designed to be much more consistent with other .NET/Mono libraries. This is done by offering a thicker wrapper around the Cocoa APIs that obeys the .NET Framework Design Guidelines.

  • Apple Releases iOS 4.3 and Xcode 4

    Apple has released iOS 4.3, the latest version of its operating system for mobile devices. This is available for iPhone (4 and 3GS), iPod Touch (3rd and 4th generation) as well as iPad and iPad 2 devices, as well as Xcode 4 which includes the LLVM 2.0 and LLDB 1.0 toolchains.

  • OpenJDK Mac OSX Port

    Since Apple joined the OpenJDK project, a new Mac OSX port project has been created and has made available the first public builds of OpenJDK 1.7 for the Mac. As well as checking out the source, it's possible to download an installer from a community site to develop against Java 1.7 applications from Eclipse on OSX.