InfoQ Homepage Map Camp Conference London Content on InfoQ
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Using Maps in Government
James Duncan tells several stories about mapping explaining why we should use maps and how they help.
Maps and Stories
Tal Klein discusses how to build maps using stories: establish a narrative based on historical truths, build upon shared experience, and avoid generalities and provide specifics.
Maps and Organization
Ramon van Alteren discusses the need to introduce and follow a doctrine when mapping an organization.
Mapping Skills and Capability
Emily Webber discusses using skills and capability maps.
Managing for Serendipity
Liz Keogh looks at some different strategies for approaching complex ecosystems, starting from status quo, and allowing innovation to emerge through obliquity, naivety, and serendipity.
Mapping as a Sensemaking Practice within Digital Ecosystems
Roser Pujadas discusses maps and how to use Wardley maps as tools to have a social impact.
Building a Company with Maps
Rachel Murphy discusses the evolution and activity of her company Difrent.
Pivot! (Let’s Talk about Tech, Climate and Mapping)
Sal Freudenberg and Chris Adams discuss the climate, its impact on the world, and the role of technology in preventing global warming.