InfoQ Homepage Memory Content on InfoQ
What Is Rust?
Yehuda Katz introduces Rust: the ownership system, automatic memory management which guarantees at compile time that a program will never segfault, making Rust code resilient against memory leaks.
Faster Objects and Arrays
Gil Tene introduces org.ObjectLayout, a new Java package designed specifically to enable JVMs to optimize memory layout for arrays and objects matching the performance of arrays of structs in C.
Big Data in Memory
John Davies shows a Spring work-flow consuming 7.4kB XML messages, binding them to 25kB Java but storing them in just 450 bytes each, 10 million derivative contracts in-memory on a laptop.
Understanding Objective-C Inside and Out
Jeff Kelley discusses Objective-C basics – properties, categories – and more advanced features – linking, ARC, creating classes at runtime, memory management and tagged pointers.
Scaling HTTP Connections
Benoît Chesneau discusses creating, scaling and reusing HTTP connections, summarizing techniques used to reduce memory usage in Erlang and ways to handle massive client connections efficiently.
Top 10 Performance Gotchas in Scaling In-memory Algorithms
SriSatish Ambati shares tips for in-memory algorithms, discussing I/O, S3 resets, muxers, primitive byte arrays, non-blocking structures, and fork/join queues.
Do You Really Get classloaders?
Jevgeni Kabanov discusses the existing problems with Java class loaders and corresponding solutions, covering live code updates through process isolation and in-app updates.
Tuning Java for Virtual with EM4J
Ben Corrie explains how Elastic Memory for Java (EM4J) helps managing memory for Java installations in virtual settings.
Diagnosing Web Application OutOfMemoryErrors
Mark Thomas explains the common Java OutOfMemoryError failures, showing how to diagnose such errors. He also discusses the JVM and tc Server configuration parameters affecting memory settings.